Gene Review:
CLB5 - Clb5p
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
P9642.8, S-phase entry cyclin-5, YPR120C
- APC-dependent proteolysis of the mitotic cyclin Clb2 is essential for mitotic exit. Wäsch, R., Cross, F.R. Nature (2002)
- APC(Cdc20) promotes exit from mitosis by destroying the anaphase inhibitor Pds1 and cyclin Clb5. Shirayama, M., Tóth, A., Gálová, M., Nasmyth, K. Nature (1999)
- Role of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in degradation of S- and M-phase cyclins. Seufert, W., Futcher, B., Jentsch, S. Nature (1995)
- Regulation of meiotic S phase by Ime2 and a Clb5,6-associated kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Dirick, L., Goetsch, L., Ammerer, G., Byers, B. Science (1998)
- CLB5 and CLB6, a new pair of B cyclins involved in DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Schwob, E., Nasmyth, K. Genes Dev. (1993)
- CLB5 and CLB6 are required for premeiotic DNA replication and activation of the meiotic S/M checkpoint. Stuart, D., Wittenberg, C. Genes Dev. (1998)
- Clb5-associated kinase activity is required early in the spindle pathway for correct preanaphase nuclear positioning in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Segal, M., Clarke, D.J., Reed, S.I. J. Cell Biol. (1998)
- Functional connection between the Clb5 cyclin, the protein kinase C pathway and the Swi4 transcription factor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Queralt, E., Igual, J.C. Genetics (2005)
- The Cyclin-dependent Kinase Cdc28p Regulates Multiple Aspects of Kar9p Function in Yeast. Moore, J.K., Miller, R.K. Mol. Biol. Cell (2007)
- S-phase cyclins are required for a stable arrest at metaphase. Meyn, M.A., Holloway, S.L. Curr. Biol. (2000)
- DNA damage inhibits proteolysis of the B-type cyclin Clb5 in S. cerevisiae. Germain, D., Hendley, J., Futcher, B. J. Cell. Sci. (1997)
- The regulation of Clb5 kinase activity by mating factor. Jeoung, D.I., Cross, F. Mol. Cells (2000)
- SIC1 is ubiquitinated in vitro by a pathway that requires CDC4, CDC34, and cyclin/CDK activities. Verma, R., Feldman, R.M., Deshaies, R.J. Mol. Biol. Cell (1997)
- Interaction of the S-phase cyclin Clb5 with an "RXL" docking sequence in the initiator protein Orc6 provides an origin-localized replication control switch. Wilmes, G.M., Archambault, V., Austin, R.J., Jacobson, M.D., Bell, S.P., Cross, F.R. Genes Dev. (2004)
- Specialization and targeting of B-type cyclins. Cross, F.R., Yuste-Rojas, M., Gray, S., Jacobson, M.D. Mol. Cell (1999)
- The F-box protein Met30 is required for multiple steps in the budding yeast cell cycle. Su, N.Y., Flick, K., Kaiser, P. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2005)
- Distinct mechanisms control the stability of the related S-phase cyclins Clb5 and Clb6. Jackson, L.P., Reed, S.I., Haase, S.B. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006)
- Recovery of the yeast cell cycle from heat shock-induced G(1) arrest involves a positive regulation of G(1) cyclin expression by the S phase cyclin Clb5. Li, X., Cai, M. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)