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Tuberculosis, Pleural

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Disease relevance of Tuberculosis, Pleural


High impact information on Tuberculosis, Pleural


Chemical compound and disease context of Tuberculosis, Pleural


Biological context of Tuberculosis, Pleural


Anatomical context of Tuberculosis, Pleural

  • CONCLUSIONS: HIV-positive patients with pleural tuberculosis show elevated production of IFN-gamma, for which CD8+ T cells may be a major source [16].
  • Here, we investigated the role of pleural macrophages and mesothelial cells in the production of IL-8 in tuberculous pleurisy [17].
  • When these sub-groups were compared, the parapneumonic effusion subgroup CRP levels (mean 89 +/- 16.3 mg l(-1)) were significantly higher than those in the other subgroups, other exudate of neoplastic effusion, tuberculous pleurisy and chronic non-specific effusion and the transudate group (P<0.0001; P<0.0001; P<0.0004 and P<0.0001, respectively) [18].

Gene context of Tuberculosis, Pleural


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tuberculosis, Pleural


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