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Chemical Compound Review

Tisamid     pyrazine-2-carboxamide

Synonyms: Dipimide, Lynamide, Pyramide, Pyrazide, Tebrazid, ...
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Disease relevance of pyrazinamide


Psychiatry related information on pyrazinamide


High impact information on pyrazinamide


Chemical compound and disease context of pyrazinamide


Biological context of pyrazinamide


Anatomical context of pyrazinamide


Associations of pyrazinamide with other chemical compounds


Gene context of pyrazinamide

  • Characterization of pncA mutations in pyrazinamide-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Brazil [28].
  • Escherichia coli isolates expressing individually five of the eight katG mutations showed loss of catalase and INH oxidation activities, and isolates carrying any of the five pncA mutations showed no pyrazinamidase activity, indicating that these mutations are associated with INH and PZA resistance, respectively [29].
  • Allopurinol or pyrazinamide was administered to rats treated with BOF-4272 (a potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor) to investigate to what degree xanthine dehydrogenase participates in the oxidation of these agents [30].
  • Besides biochemical (sensitivity to pyrazinamide) and epidemiological features, strains of this unusual member of the M. tuberculosis complex show a special combination of pncA, oxyR, katG and gyrA gene polymorphisms [31].
  • In Mycobacterium tuberculosis there is a strong correlation between in-vitro resistance to rifampicin (RIF) and pyrazinamide (PZA) and mutations in rpoB and pncA, respectively [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of pyrazinamide


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