MeSH Review:
- The bioavailability of morphine applied topically to cutaneous ulcers. Ribeiro, M.D., Joel, S.P., Zeppetella, G. Journal of pain and symptom management. (2004)
- Dying with lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: insights from SUPPORT. Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatments. Claessens, M.T., Lynn, J., Zhong, Z., Desbiens, N.A., Phillips, R.S., Wu, A.W., Harrell, F.E., Connors, A.F. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. (2000)
- Care of the terminal head and neck cancer patient in the hospice setting. Talmi, Y.P., Roth, Y., Waller, A., Chesnin, V., Adunski, A., Lander, M.I., Kronenberg, J. Laryngoscope (1995)
- Hospital and hospice resource use of HIV-positive patients in Edinburgh. Brettle, R.P., Atkinson, F.I., Wilcock, J., Richardson, A., Lewis, R., MacCullum, L., Bath, G. International journal of STD & AIDS. (1997)
- Clinical trial of a mucin-containing oral spray for treatment of xerostomia in hospice patients. Sweeney, M.P., Bagg, J., Baxter, W.P., Aitchison, T.C. Palliative medicine. (1997)
- Development of advanced practice nurses in South Korea. Kang, Y. Applied nursing research : ANR. (2005)
- Criteria for enrolling dementia patients in hospice: a replication. Hanrahan, P., Raymond, M., McGowan, E., Luchins, D.J. The American journal of hospice & palliative care. (1999)
- Terminal care: evaluation of in-patient service at St Christopher's Hospice. Part II. Self assessments of effects of the service on surviving spouses. Parkes, C.M. Postgraduate medical journal. (1979)
- Depression among surviving caregivers: does length of hospice enrollment matter? Bradley, E.H., Prigerson, H., Carlson, M.D., Cherlin, E., Johnson-Hurzeler, R., Kasl, S.V. The American journal of psychiatry. (2004)
- Philippe Pinel's "Memoir on Madness" of December 11, 1794: a fundamental text of modern psychiatry. Weiner, D.B. The American journal of psychiatry. (1992)
- Why are a quarter of all cancer deaths in south-east England registered by death certificate only? Factors related to death certificate only registrations in the Thames Cancer Registry between 1987 and 1989. Pollock, A.M., Vickers, N. Br. J. Cancer (1995)
- State Medicaid coverage of AZT and AIDS-related policies. Buchanan, R.J. American journal of public health. (1988)
- Does receipt of hospice care in nursing homes improve the management of pain at the end of life? Miller, S.C., Mor, V., Wu, N., Gozalo, P., Lapane, K. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. (2002)
- The cost of health care for HIV-positive patients. Brettle, R.P., Atkinson, F.I., Wilcock, J., Richardson, A., Lewis, R., MacCallum, L., Bath, G. International journal of STD & AIDS. (1997)
- End-of-life care education in United States pharmacy schools. Herndon, C.M., Jackson, K., Fike, D.S., Woods, T. The American journal of hospice & palliative care. (2003)
- Alternating pressure mattresses: comfort and quality of sleep. Grindley, A., Acres, J. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing) (1996)
- Differences in physician access patterns to hospice care. Stillman, M.J., Syrjala, K.L. Journal of pain and symptom management. (1999)
- A comparison of subcutaneous morphine and fentanyl in hospice cancer patients. Hunt, R., Fazekas, B., Thorne, D., Brooksbank, M. Journal of pain and symptom management. (1999)
- Care of cancer patients in a home-based hospice program: a comparison of oncologists and primary care physicians. Ramsay, A. The Journal of family practice. (1992)
- Methylphenidate in terminal depression. Macleod, A.D. Journal of pain and symptom management. (1998)
- Lactulose vs sorbitol for treatment of obstipation in hospice programs. Weed, H.G. Mayo Clin. Proc. (2000)
- An investigation of MRSA infection in a hospice. Ali, S., Sykes, N., Flock, P., Hall, E., Buchan, J. Palliative medicine. (2005)
- The effects of hospice coverage on Medicare expenditures. Kidder, D. Health services research. (1992)
- Is hospice referral ever appropriate in COPD? Yeager, H. Chest (1997)
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- Board certification in palliative care for U.S. physicians. Officers and Trustees of the American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Holman, G.H., Smith, D.C. Journal of pain and symptom management. (1999)
- Breakthrough strong opioid analgesia prescription in patients using transdermal fentanyl admitted to a hospice. Lawrie, I., Lloyd-Williams, M., Waterhouse, E. The American journal of hospice & palliative care. (2003)
- Terminal care: evaluation of in-patient service at St Christopher's Hospice. Part I. Views of surviving spouse on effects of the service on the patient. Parkes, C.M. Postgraduate medical journal. (1979)
- CPT coding for hospice in long-term care. Crossno, R.J. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. (2004)
- Factors associated with length of stay in a mid-sized, urban hospice. Somova, M.J., Somov, P.G., Lawrence, J.C., Frantz, T.T. The American journal of hospice & palliative care. (2000)