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Home Care Services

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Disease relevance of Home Care Services


Psychiatry related information on Home Care Services


High impact information on Home Care Services

  • After initial in-hospital training, patients self-administered their drugs through a heparin-lock i.v. cannula, which was changed regularly by a visiting home care nurse [8].
  • METHODS: We analyzed data from a large collaborative observational study group, the Italian Silver Network Home Care project, that collected data on patients admitted to home health care programs [9].
  • This study developed a short, patient-completed screening assessment instrument (the Functional Assessment Screen), compared it to a standard, multi-disciplinary geriatric evaluation, and determined the screening instrument's ability to predict future use of home care services in a group of elderly patients [10].
  • We assessed rotavirus-associated illness in three clinical settings (mild cases requiring home care alone, moderate cases requiring a clinic visit, and severe cases requiring hospitalization) and death rates in countries in different World Bank income groups [11].
  • When coupled with the use of dried blood spots, this system can be effective in remote theophylline monitoring, particularly suited for domiciliary care [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Home Care Services

  • Management strategies for hyperemesis gravidarum, including hydration, enteral and parenteral nutrition, antiemetic therapies, monitoring needs, and psychosocial concerns are discussed with applications made to the home care setting [13].
  • Unless the patient receives a strict oral hygiene home care and the teeth are protected by topical application of fluoride gel, caries or gingival disease onset inevitably follows radiation induced xerostomia is [14].
  • STUDY DESIGN: From a database of patients who received perinatal home care services, we identified women with triplet gestations first receiving daily oral terbutaline following an episode of threatened preterm labor who subsequently received continuous subcutaneous terbutaline infusion after recurrence of preterm contractions [15].

Biological context of Home Care Services


Anatomical context of Home Care Services

  • Specific treatment for maxillary molars with furaction involvement included soft tissue therapy; coronal reshaping, if indicated; and instruction in home care [17].
  • The patient in the home care group had fewer days on total parenteral nutrition (median 3 vs. 24, p<0.001), required fewer erythrocyte transfusions (median 4 vs. 8, p=0.01), fewer days on i.v. antibiotics (median 6 vs. 13 days), and on analgesics (median 0 vs. 15) than the controls (p<0.05) [18].

Associations of Home Care Services with chemical compounds

  • Still lacking are data on the antimicrobial effects of fluoride regimens normally used in home care, in weekly rinsing programs in schools, or treatments applied professionally every six months [19].
  • The third, home care cohort, consisted of patients who were discharged the day after stemcell reinfusion, after which specialized home care professionals delivered all supportive care including transfusions and parenteral antibiotics at home, with once weekly check-up in hospital by the transplant physician [20].
  • Improvement of preventive home care management in association with probiotic bacteria, which have been effective against several forms of diarrhea in developing nations, may be useful in managing diarrheal disease in infants [21].
  • A population-based, retrospective analysis of Medicare Part A and Blue Cross hospital insurance claims data was used to determine whether hospice home care cost savings to third-party insurers are substantial and result from the substitution of less expensive home care visits for more costly hospital inpatient days [22].
  • Palliative home care reduces time spent in hospital wards: a population-based study in the Tuscany Region, Italy [23].

Gene context of Home Care Services

  • HF nurses (primary population) scored higher than critical-care, medical-surgical, or telemetry floor nurses (16.2 +/- 1.7; 15.1 +/- 1.8; and 14.7 +/- 2.0, respectively; P <.001); home care nurses scored higher than hospital or palliative care nurses (15.9 +/- 1.5; 15.1 +/- 2.0; and 14.0 +/- 1.5, respectively; P =.006) [24].
  • The total economic cost of COPD in the US in 1993 was estimated to be over $US15.5 billion, with $US6.1 billion for hospitalisation, $US4.4 billion for physician and other fees, $US2.5 billion for drugs, $US1.5 billion for nursing home care and $US1.0 billion for home care [25].
  • Multidrug resistant organisms--VRE and MRSA: practical home care tips [26].
  • We paid particular attention to home-care strategies and to parental experiences and attitudes regarding medications for ADHD [27].
  • Of patients initially triaged for AHR, 49% (N = 103) were subsequently given an AHR, 17% (N = 35) a next day office referral, and 34% (N = 71) home care and advice [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Home Care Services


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