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Local Lymph Node Assay

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Disease relevance of Local Lymph Node Assay


High impact information on Local Lymph Node Assay


Chemical compound and disease context of Local Lymph Node Assay


Biological context of Local Lymph Node Assay


Anatomical context of Local Lymph Node Assay


Associations of Local Lymph Node Assay with chemical compounds


Gene context of Local Lymph Node Assay

  • We have previously shown that a modified LLNA can be used to identify respiratory allergens, on the basis of Con A induced IL-4 production [10].
  • Secondly, another assay, similar to the modified LLNA but differing in the duration and the number of allergen applications as well as in the ex vivo culture conditions, here denoted as 'longer' assay, has been reported to be able to identify contact allergens, on the basis of (spontaneous) IFN-gamma production [10].
  • The IL-2-based LLNA showed similar performances at both qualitative and quantitative levels compared to regular LLNA [17].
  • Although previously determined to induce immunologically equivalent responses in a local lymph node assay (LLNA), the initial dose chosen (2.5%) failed to induce Th2 cytokine mRNA expression [18].
  • Cytokine production induced by low-molecular-weight chemicals as a function of the stimulation index in a modified local lymph node assay: an approach to discriminate contact sensitizers from respiratory sensitizers [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Local Lymph Node Assay


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