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Chemical Compound Review

NiSO4     nickel(+2) cation sulfate

Synonyms: ACMC-1CIBU, CCRIS 3732, LS-344, NCI-C60344, NICKEL SULFATE, ...
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High impact information on NICKEL SULFATE HEXAHYDRATE

  • Moreover, treatment of HRRT cells with a nontransforming dose of urethan (1 mM) for 1 hr followed by continuous exposure to nickel sulfate (40 microM) also increased cell survival in the aggregate form [6].
  • Several other agents were investigated with this approach, and no SSB were detected with nickel sulfate, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate or asbestos fibers in the presence of the polymerase inhibitor [7].
  • Transient exposure to soluble nickel sulfate failed to increase IL-8 mRNA [8].
  • Only 20% of unstimulated T cells but >40% of nickel-stimulated T cells derived from peripheral blood of the same individuals expressed these V beta elements, suggesting a selection of certain TCR-V beta elements by nickel sulfate in these patients [9].
  • Antioxidant protection from solar-simulated radiation-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity to the recall antigen nickel sulfate in human skin [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of NICKEL SULFATE HEXAHYDRATE






Associations of NICKEL SULFATE HEXAHYDRATE with other chemical compounds



  • Exposure to nickel sulfate and SDS was investigated in more detail: similar to chemokine secretion, no difference was observed in the time- and concentration-dependent increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine [interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)] secretion [26].
  • Therefore, IL-4 regulation was investigated in short-term cultured human T cells primed in vitro with either a superantigen or a hapten, nickel sulfate (NiSO4), for 3 days and expanded with IL-2 for another 5 days [27].
  • Maximal increase in IL-1alpha secretion occurred within 2 h after exposure to both nickel sulfate and SDS and prior to increased chemokine secretion [26].
  • E-selectin and VCAM-1 were not expressed on untreated HUVEC; 4 to 6 hours exposure to nickel sulfate and LPS resulted in a potent induction of E-selectin and VCAM-1 expression [28].
  • At 3 days after nickel sulfate, beta-endorphin, 10(-6)-10(-12) M, somatostatin, 10(-7)-10(-9) M and SP, 10(-7)-10(-11) M, gave an enhancement of the response [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NICKEL SULFATE HEXAHYDRATE


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  5. Transformation of immortal, non-tumorigenic osteoblast-like human osteosarcoma cells to the tumorigenic phenotype by nickel sulfate. Rani, A.S., Qu, D.Q., Sidhu, M.K., Panagakos, F., Shah, V., Klein, K.M., Brown, N., Pathak, S., Kumar, S. Carcinogenesis (1993) [Pubmed]
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  9. Dichotomy of blood- and skin-derived IL-4-producing allergen-specific T cells and restricted V beta repertoire in nickel-mediated contact dermatitis. Werfel, T., Hentschel, M., Kapp, A., Renz, H. J. Immunol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  10. Patch testing of nickel sulfate and potassium dichromate with a standardized ready-to-use test system gives highly reproducible results: a double-blind multicentre study. Brasch, J., Henseler, T., Aberer, W., Fuchs, T., Hoeck, U., Kreilgård, B. Acta Derm. Venereol. (2001) [Pubmed]
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