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Chemical Compound Review

Dichromat     oxido-(oxido-dioxo- chromio)oxy-dioxo-chromium

Synonyms: Bichromate, Dichromate, Dichromate(2-), CHEBI:33141, AC1L2NHB, ...
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Disease relevance of Dichromates


Psychiatry related information on Dichromates


High impact information on Dichromates

  • Complete sporulation occurred within 5 to 13 days in oocysts maintained in potassium dichromate at 25 or 32 degrees C. Complete excystation resulted in the liberation of two sporozoites from the two sporocysts within each oocyst (cryptosporidia have four naked sporozoites within each oocyst) [7].
  • Thus, mutually exclusive expression of red and green pigment transgenes can be achieved in a large fraction of cones in a dichromat mammal, suggesting a facile evolutionary path for the development of trichromacy after visual pigment gene duplication [8].
  • Effects of potassium dichromate on nucleic acid and protein syntheses and on precursor uptake in BHK fibroblasts [9].
  • Actual rates of macromolecular syntheses have been calculated by taking into account the induced changes of soluble precursor concentrations; sucn normalized rates point out that dichromate induces a sudden blockage of DNA replication, whereas RNA and protein syntheses are secondarily inhibited [9].
  • The observed cytotoxic effects of dichromate are tentatively referred to the oxidation of cell components by hexavalent chromium and thereby to the interaction of reduced trivalent chromium with specific biological ligands on cell membrane and on DNA [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dichromates


Biological context of Dichromates


Anatomical context of Dichromates

  • This study was designed to determine whether ingestion of a single dose of potassium dichromate alone [Cr(VI)] or potassium dichromate fully reduced to Cr(III) with orange juice (prior to ingestion) causes an increase in DPX of circulating leukocytes in humans [20].
  • The present study is an attempt to evaluate the role of EGF in thyroid mediated protection from ARF induced in rats by dichromate [21].
  • While proliferative keratinocytes exposed to Cr(VI) showed a high degree of cytotoxicity to dichromate exposure, the more differentiated cells showed significantly less cytotoxicity but a higher uptake of the metal ion into the cells [22].
  • With the ZN method only 3-5% of the oocysts purified from three human and one experimentally infected lamb dichromate-preserved feces were stained by carbol fuchsin [23].
  • The results support the conclusion that the density of cones in the fovea centralis of the dichromat is comparable to that of the color normal trichomat [24].

Associations of Dichromates with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dichromates

  • The expression and functional role of HO-1 in rats with renal injury induced by potassium dichromate (K(2)Cr(2)O(7)) was investigated in this work [30].
  • A detailed investigation of molecular interactions of the protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) with potassium dichromate has been made [31].
  • In one dichromat with extreme myopia and cupping of the optic disc, the ERG phase lags increased with increasing cone contrast [32].
  • Intolerance of osteosynthesis material: evidence of dichromate contact allergy with concomitant oligoclonal T-cell infiltrate and TH1-type cytokine expression in the peri-implantar tissue [33].
  • CONCLUSION: These data suggest that potentized (diluted and vigorously shaken) potassium dichromate may help to decrease the amount of stringy tracheal secretions in COPD patients [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dichromates


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