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Deep Brain Stimulation

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Disease relevance of Deep Brain Stimulation


Psychiatry related information on Deep Brain Stimulation


High impact information on Deep Brain Stimulation


Chemical compound and disease context of Deep Brain Stimulation


Biological context of Deep Brain Stimulation


Anatomical context of Deep Brain Stimulation


Associations of Deep Brain Stimulation with chemical compounds

  • This case establishes the potential for addiction to deep brain stimulation and demonstrates that widespread behavioral and physiological changes, with concomitant alteration in the regional cerebral metabolic rate for glucose, may accompany unilateral thalamic stimulation [20].
  • Gabapentine has been assessed for efficacy in some tremors, and deep brain stimulation of the ventrolateral thalamus has been shown to be safer and more effective for severe essential and parkinsonian tremor than thalamotomy [21].
  • Deep brain stimulation of subthalamic neurons increases striatal dopamine metabolism and induces contralateral circling in freely moving 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats [22].
  • The authors report a new technique to anchor deep brain stimulation electrodes using a titanium microplate [23].
  • Chronic bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation in a patient with homozygous deletion in the parkin gene [24].

Gene context of Deep Brain Stimulation


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Deep Brain Stimulation


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