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Internal Capsule

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Disease relevance of Internal Capsule


Psychiatry related information on Internal Capsule


High impact information on Internal Capsule

  • The rotation is markedly reduced by either (i) ipsilateral electrocoagulations of the caudate-putamen or internal capsule or (ii) ipsilateral coronal knife cuts immediately rostral to the substantia nigra [9].
  • Although EphA/ephrin-A signaling organizes sensory maps within areas, and thalamocortical axons in the internal capsule, both papers argue that each developmental event is dissociable from the others [10].
  • The biased growth of dorsal thalamic axons toward the internal capsule zone of ventral telencephalic explants is attenuated, but not significantly, by netrin-1-blocking antibodies, suggesting that it releases another attractant activity for TCAs in addition to netrin-1 [11].
  • Projection neurons throughout the mature mammalian neocortex extend efferent axons either through the ventrolaterally positioned internal capsule to subcortical targets or through the dorsally located midline corpus callosum to the contralateral cortex [12].
  • These findings suggest that early events in cortical axon pathfinding may be controlled by a soluble activity which attracts initial axon growth toward the internal capsule and that this activity may be due to Netrin-1 [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Internal Capsule


Anatomical context of Internal Capsule


Associations of Internal Capsule with chemical compounds

  • Reductions in internal capsule NAA on the side of the lesion were seen in cases of cortical stroke in which there was no extension of the stroke into the voxel as well as in cases of striatocapsular stroke involving the voxel region [17].
  • To determine if shorter transient collaterals are extended by callosal neurons into the internal capsule, i.e., the subcortical pathway, we injected DiI into one cortical hemisphere of aldehyde-fixed Embryonic Day (E)19 and E21 brains [19].
  • METHODS: Eighteen patients were studied > or =1 month after first ischemic stroke that caused a motor deficit by use of brain T2-weighted imaging, MR spectroscopic (MRS) measurements of the neuronal marker compound N-acetyl aspartate in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, and motor impairment and disability measures [20].
  • The perireticular thalamic nucleus (PRT) consists of scattered neurons that are located in the internal capsule adjacent to the gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunoreactive (ir) reticular thalamic nucleus (RT) and whose number decreases during development [21].
  • To determine whether synaptically released glutamate activates KARs, we recorded excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in the GP following single-pulse stimulation of the internal capsule [22].

Gene context of Internal Capsule

  • In both Emx2 and Pax6 KO brains, the misrouted thalamic afferents are accompanied by displacements of the pioneering projections from the internal capsule [23].
  • In the E13.5-15.5 brain, RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM colocalized with NCAM and L1 on the developing thalamocortical fibers from the internal capsule (IC) and partly colocalized with TAG-1 on the cortical efferent axons in the intermediate zone (IZ) [24].
  • In the internal capsule, Hsp27 expression is developmentally regulated, being significantly decreased from postnatal day 14 [25].
  • NGF receptor-containing neurons are also found within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the anterior commissure, the internal capsule, and the internal and external medullary laminae of the globus pallidus [26].
  • The perireticular nucleus is a recently described thin sheet of small cells among the fibres of the internal capsule, lying lateral to the thalamic reticular nucleus and medial to the globus pallidus (Clemence and Mitrofanis [1992]. J. Comp. Neurol. 322:167-180) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Internal Capsule


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