MeSH Review:
Internal Capsule
- Ipsilateral hemiplegia caused by right internal capsule and thalamic hemorrhage: demonstration of predominant ipsilateral innervation of motor and sensory systems by MRI, MEP, and SEP. Hosokawa, S., Tsuji, S., Uozumi, T., Matsunaga, K., Toda, K., Ota, S. Neurology (1996)
- Patients with stroke confined to basal ganglia have diminished response to rehabilitation efforts. Miyai, I., Blau, A.D., Reding, M.J., Volpe, B.T. Neurology (1997)
- MR contrast enhancement in brainstem and deep cerebral infarction. Elster, A.D. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (1991)
- Functional radiosurgery. Kondziolka, D. Neurosurgery (1999)
- Coronal MR imaging for visualization of wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract. Orita, T., Tsurutani, T., Izumihara, A., Matsunaga, T. Journal of computer assisted tomography. (1991)
- Cerebral activating properties of indeloxazine hydrochloride. Yamamoto, M., Shimizu, M. Neuropharmacology (1987)
- Memory deficits following internal capsule lesions in rats and their improvement by L-6-ketopiperidine-2-carbonyl-L-leucyl-L-proline amide (RGH-2202), a thyrotropin-releasing hormone analogue. Oka, M., Ito, T., Furukawa, K., Karasawa, T., Kadokawa, T. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie. (1990)
- Post-anoxic delayed encephalopathy with leukoencephalopathy and non-hemorrhagic cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Salama, J., Gherardi, R., Amiel, H., Poirier, J., Delaporte, P., Gray, F. Clin. Neuropathol. (1986)
- Striatal efferent fibers play a role in maintaining rotational behavior in the rat. Marshall, J.F., Ungerstedt, U. Science (1977)
- Local axon guidance in cerebral cortex and thalamus: are we there yet? Grove, E.A. Neuron (2005)
- Netrin-1 promotes thalamic axon growth and is required for proper development of the thalamocortical projection. Braisted, J.E., Catalano, S.M., Stimac, R., Kennedy, T.E., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Shatz, C.J., O'Leary, D.D. J. Neurosci. (2000)
- Directed growth of early cortical axons is influenced by a chemoattractant released from an intermediate target. Richards, L.J., Koester, S.E., Tuttle, R., O'Leary, D.D. J. Neurosci. (1997)
- Definition of the anterior choroidal artery territory in rats using intraluminal occluding technique. He, Z., Yang, S.H., Naritomi, H., Yamawaki, T., Liu, Q., King, M.A., Day, A.L., Simpkins, J.W. J. Neurol. Sci. (2000)
- Longitudinal topography and interdigitation of corticostriatal projections in the rhesus monkey. Selemon, L.D., Goldman-Rakic, P.S. J. Neurosci. (1985)
- Reconstruction of the nigrostriatal pathway by simultaneous intrastriatal and intranigral dopaminergic transplants. Mendez, I., Sadi, D., Hong, M. J. Neurosci. (1996)
- Gender and age effects in structural brain asymmetry as measured by MRI texture analysis. Kovalev, V.A., Kruggel, F., von Cramon, D.Y. Neuroimage (2003)
- Axonal injury in the internal capsule correlates with motor impairment after stroke. Pendlebury, S.T., Blamire, A.M., Lee, M.A., Styles, P., Matthews, P.M. Stroke (1999)
- Topographical organization of the sources of discrete cortical projections within the striatum as determined by a retrograde fluorescence tracing technique in the cat. Oleshko, N.N., Maisky, V.A. Neuroscience (1993)
- Connectional distinction between callosal and subcortically projecting cortical neurons is determined prior to axon extension. Koester, S.E., O'Leary, D.D. Dev. Biol. (1993)
- Relating MRI changes to motor deficit after ischemic stroke by segmentation of functional motor pathways. Pineiro, R., Pendlebury, S.T., Smith, S., Flitney, D., Blamire, A.M., Styles, P., Matthews, P.M. Stroke (2000)
- Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study of the rat perireticular thalamic nucleus during postnatal development. Amadeo, A., De Biasi, S., Frassoni, C., Ortino, B., Spreafico, R. J. Comp. Neurol. (1998)
- Localization and function of pre- and postsynaptic kainate receptors in the rat globus pallidus. Jin, X.T., Paré, J.F., Raju, D.V., Smith, Y. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2006)
- Choreography of early thalamocortical development. Molnár, Z., Higashi, S., López-Bendito, G. Cereb. Cortex (2003)
- Distribution of RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, in the developing nervous system. Fujita, E., Urase, K., Soyama, A., Kouroku, Y., Momoi, T. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. (2005)
- Expression of 27 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp27) in immature rat brain after a cortical aspiration lesion. Sanz, O., Acarin, L., González, B., Castellano, B. Glia (2001)
- Nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactive profiles in the normal, aged human basal forebrain: colocalization with cholinergic neurons. Mufson, E.J., Bothwell, M., Hersh, L.B., Kordower, J.H. J. Comp. Neurol. (1989)
- Cells of the perireticular nucleus project to the developing neocortex of the rat. Adams, N.C., Baker, G.E. J. Comp. Neurol. (1995)
- Cytokine induction in fetal rat brains and brain injury in neonatal rats after maternal lipopolysaccharide administration. Cai, Z., Pan, Z.L., Pang, Y., Evans, O.B., Rhodes, P.G. Pediatr. Res. (2000)
- Impulse-dependent and tetrodotoxin-sensitive release of GABA in the rat's substantia nigra measured by microdialysis. Biggs, C.S., Fowler, L.J., Whitton, P.S., Starr, M.S. Brain Res. (1995)
- Transient hypodensity on CT scan during hypoglycemia. Koppel, B.S., Daras, M. Eur. Neurol. (1993)
- Cortical cytoarchitectural and immunohistochemical studies on Zellweger syndrome. Takashima, S., Chan, F., Becker, L.E., Houdou, S., Suzuki, Y. Brain Dev. (1991)
- Neural cell adhesion molecule L1 is required for fasciculation and routing of thalamocortical fibres and corticothalamic fibres. Ohyama, K., Tan-Takeuchi, K., Kutsche, M., Schachner, M., Uyemura, K., Kawamura, K. Neurosci. Res. (2004)