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Nursing Care

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Disease relevance of Nursing Care


Psychiatry related information on Nursing Care


High impact information on Nursing Care

  • Standing orders were most often present to guide nutritional and nursing care (e.g., diet, blood glucose monitoring, foot care) [10].
  • The patients received either supportive care (10 min of standardized assessments, reassurance, reality orientation, and nursing care an hour) with three doses of sublingual lorazepam 2 mg every 2 hr (21 patients, drug group) or supportive care with three doses of sublingual placebo every 2 hr (20 patients, no-drug group) [11].
  • Nursing care of the MS patient [12].
  • Registered nurses are the single largest group of health care providers in the United States. Their role in emergency medical services for children and approaches to implementation of the Institute of Medicine recommendations as they relate to nursing care are discussed [13].
  • Spread of the MRSA occurred in wards where intensive medical and nursing care was being practiced [14].

Biological context of Nursing Care

  • There was no evidence of MRSA spread in the services with less intense medical and nursing care and where physical and occupational therapy was continued [14].
  • Effective postoperative nursing care of the cardiac surgery patient receiving combined drug infusion of dopamine HCl and SNP requires awareness of many critical factors [15].
  • IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nursing care for patients who receive cladribine involves management of side effects, which commonly include myelosuppression and fever, and monitoring of hemoglobin, platelet levels, and body temperature [16].
  • Tools and guidelines for nursing care at the family level. Part I. A typology of nursing problems in family care practice [17].
  • In 1997, the then Victoria Infirmary NHS Trust established a nursing research and practice development committee (NRPDC) to implement evidence-based practice in nursing care in response to its nursing strategy for 1998-2000 [18].

Associations of Nursing Care with chemical compounds


Gene context of Nursing Care

  • Palliative nursing care during end-stage COPD [24].
  • Educating nurses--the assisted conception nursing care course of the RCN Institute [25].
  • Skilled nursing patients in multi-level (SN/ICF) facilities were much more likely to be recommended for less intensive, intermediate levels of nursing care than were patients residing in single-level (SN) facilities [26].
  • BACKGROUND: The prospective payment system (PPS) for nursing homes was designed to curtail the rapid expansion of Medicare costs for skilled nursing care [27].
  • A third low RGN care group was created following publication of the Department of Health guidance on NHS Funded Nursing Care. With three levels, the enhanced care group receives about 38% more than the standard group, and the low group receives about 50% of the standard group [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nursing Care


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