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Cost Savings

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Disease relevance of Cost Savings


Psychiatry related information on Cost Savings

  • OBJECTIVE: To estimate per-patient potential cost savings using rivastigmine in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in Canada. BACKGROUND: In recent years, new members of a class of pharmaceuticals known as cholinesterase inhibitors have been introduced for the treatment of patients with AD [6].
  • Based on analysis of sildenafil data, oral therapy of erectile dysfunction provides substantial cost savings when compared with other treatment options and contributes insignificant overall costs to health plans [7].

High impact information on Cost Savings

  • The cost savings per patient (in U.S. dollars, inclusive of the cost of ketoconazole) was about $5,200 in the first year and about $3,920 in each subsequent year [8].
  • RESULTS: Propranolol results in cost savings ranging between $450 and $14,600 over a 5-year period [9].
  • Secondary prevention with a statin seems to be cost-effective for all risk subgroups and is cost-saving in some high-risk subgroups [10].
  • Treatment with low-molecular-weight heparin was cost saving when as few as 8% of patients were treated at home [11].
  • It can also lead to a return in clindamycin susceptibility among isolates and can effect cost savings to the hospital [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cost Savings

  • Although clarification of some methodological issues would be beneficial, the available efficacy data, together with the practical advantages of LMWHs in general, suggest that enoxaparin is an effective and convenient means of treating unstable angina and should provide cost savings compared with UFH [13].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Transitioning from intravenous midazolam to enterally administered lorazepam in critically ill children who require long-term sedation results in significant cost savings [14].
  • The cost per bleeding episode averted was highly dependent on the risk of hemorrhage and, to a lesser degree, on the efficacy of sucralfate prophylaxis, ranging from a cost per bleeding episode averted of $103,725 for low-risk patients to cost savings for very high-risk patients [15].
  • A second cost-benefit analysis, conducted in Canada, suggested that use of amifostine in patients with advanced ovarian cancer would be cost saving [16].
  • Before a 1996 US regulation requiring fortification of enriched cereal-grain products with folic acid, 3 economic evaluations projected net economic benefits or cost savings of folic acid fortification resulting from the prevention of pregnancies affected by a neural tube defect [17].

Biological context of Cost Savings


Anatomical context of Cost Savings


Associations of Cost Savings with chemical compounds

  • CONCLUSIONS: The chlorhexidine-silver sulfadiazine catheter is well tolerated, reduces the incidence of catheter-related infection, extends the time that noncuffed central venous catheters can be safely left in place for the short term, and should allow cost savings [28].
  • RESULTS: The cost of pamidronate therapy exceeded the cost savings from prevented adverse events [29].
  • For younger women in the highest risk groups, chemoprevention with tamoxifen was estimated to have cost savings or be cost-effective, both with and without quality adjustments [30].
  • In view of the simplicity and probable cost savings attached to single-agent treatment, a melphalan/prednisone regimen should be considered as initial therapy for all patients with myeloma [31].
  • Prophylaxis was cost-saving if the ulcer complication rate was > 1.5%, or if the 3-month price of misoprostol was < or = $95 [32].

Gene context of Cost Savings

  • Treating acute ischemic stroke patients with tPA within 3 hours of symptom onset improves functional outcome at 3 months and is likely to result in a net cost savings to the health care system [33].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Over a 6 month period, withdrawing FP in a pre-selected trial population of COPD patients led to absolute cost savings but with a higher rate of exacerbations and hospital admissions [34].
  • METHODS: Decision analysis techniques are used to compare the outcome, utility, and incremental cost savings of a plan to screen voluntary blood donors and their siblings for hemochromatosis using a genotypic test (C282Y mutation) with phenotypic tests (transferrin saturation, serum ferritin) [35].
  • CONCLUSION: MTX is cost effective (cost saving vs the no second line agent option) for MTX-naive RA in achieving ACR 20 or ACR 70WR over a 6 month period [36].
  • CONCLUSION: In this study population of concomitant coumarin and NSAID users, the reduction in bleeding complications with the use of more expensive COX-2-selective inhibitors was associated with net medical cost savings compared with nonselective NSAIDs [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cost Savings

  • Routine use of G-CSF in SCLC patients treated with standard-dose chemotherapy appears to be expensive and is not associated with an obvious therapeutic benefit or cost savings [38].
  • Content: On the basis of the positive impact that the rapid intraoperative PTH test has had on both patient outcomes and cost savings, other rapid intraoperative hormone immunoassays for the diagnosis and/or treatment of other endocrine-hormone-secreting tumors have been developed [39].
  • These observations suggest that perioperative stroke after CEA/CAB is related to patient selection and that low-risk patients can undergo CEA/CAB with the benefits of low morbidity, patient convenience, and cost savings from avoiding a second hospitalization and operation [40].
  • Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the cost savings observed were maintained over a wide range of alternative values for both unit costs and resource utilization, including length of hospital stay, time spent in intensive care units, bed day costs and the cost of lipid formulations of amphotericin B [41].
  • The incidence of postoperative infections was not different between regimens, irrespective of the type of hysterectomy, but considerable cost-savings by reduced drug and administration expenses were realized with the single-dose cefotaxime regimen [42].


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