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Denture, Overlay

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Disease relevance of Denture, Overlay


Psychiatry related information on Denture, Overlay


High impact information on Denture, Overlay

  • The immune response in the gingival mucosa appears to favor implant integration over rejection, since titanium-implant-retained overdentures show long-term success [4].
  • Effects of chlorhexidine-containing gel and varnish on abutment teeth in patients with overdentures [5].
  • In the placebo group, but not in the fluoride group, S. mutans levels increased significantly, indicating the caries risk involved in overdentures [6].
  • CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that one-week of early loading protocol of two Brånemark implants supporting mandibular overdenture does not compromise implant stability, marginal bone loss, and peri-implant soft-tissue health [7].
  • CONCLUSION: Because occlusal forces in humans tend to decrease because of age-related factors, maximum strains around immediately loaded implants supporting maxillary overdentures fall within physiologic levels [8].

Biological context of Denture, Overlay


Anatomical context of Denture, Overlay


Associations of Denture, Overlay with chemical compounds


Gene context of Denture, Overlay

  • Overdenture attachment selection and the loading of implant and denture-bearing area. Part 1: In vivo verification of stereolithographic model [20].
  • Implant-retained mandibular overdentures with ITI implants [21].
  • We conclude that the connection state of 2 implants retaining a hinging overdenture did not influence the peri-implant outcome [22].
  • PURPOSE: In this study, preliminary results of immediate loading of ITI sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) implants with a bar-connected overdenture in the edentulous mandible are presented [23].
  • The history of a patient with oromandibular dystonia who was rehabilitated with mandibular overdentures supported by endosteal implants is presented [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Denture, Overlay


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  7. Clinical and radiological results of patients treated with two loading protocols for mandibular overdentures on Brånemark implants. Turkyilmaz, I. Journal of clinical periodontology. (2006) [Pubmed]
  8. Human ex vivo bone tissue strains around immediately loaded implants supporting maxillary overdentures. Akça, K., Akkocaoğlu, M., Cömert, A., Tekdemir, I., Cehreli, M.C. Clinical oral implants research. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  12. Growth-associated protein-43 immunoreactivity in human oral mucosa in dentate subjects, in edentulous patients and after implant-anchored rehabilitation. Ramieri, G.A., Schierano, G., Spada, M.C., Giovando, M.L., Verzè, L., Preti, G. Clinical oral implants research. (2004) [Pubmed]
  13. In vitro evaluation of fluoride-releasing restorative materials for sealing the root canals of overdenture abutments. Ikebe, K., Ettinger, R.L., Wefel, J.S. The International journal of prosthodontics. (2001) [Pubmed]
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