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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

SureCN379747     3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5- ol; 2-amino-1...

Synonyms: AG-F-92782, AG-J-54963, NSC-58241, NSC-379432, NSC58241, ...
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Disease relevance of serotonin

  • Eleven of 12 argentaffin carcinoids could be immunostained with anti-Ser serum and all of those 11 were composed almost totally of Ser cells [1].
  • Experience with ketanserin, a serotonin (S2) antagonist, in longterm treatment of essential hypertension [2].

Psychiatry related information on serotonin

  • Although it will be important to extend the present study in a larger sample, our initial results do not suggest any large association with alleles of the VNTR in the SERT gene and bipolar disorder in Indian patients [3].

High impact information on serotonin


Chemical compound and disease context of serotonin


Biological context of serotonin


Anatomical context of serotonin


Associations of serotonin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of serotonin

  • Here, both the theoretical and the empirical evidence implicating specific loci-in particular SERT and DRD4-in the development of personality is evaluated [17].
  • Because of the similarities between SERT and DAT VNTRs, the DAT VNTR may also enhance transcription [6].
  • Out of the six argyrophil carcinoids, five were argyrophil, non-argentaffin carcinoids; three consisted almost totally of PYY cells; one consisted of 60% PYY cells, 40% So cells and a few Gli cells; and one consisted of Ser cells alone [1].
  • In particular MPV showed a decrease throughout the session (-5% at 30' and -9% at 240') while S, beta TG and PF4 peripheral blood levels showed a significant increase at the same intervals with CU membrane [18].
  • Despite minor temporal disparities, VMAT2 and SERT extinguished almost simultaneously during the second and third weeks of post-natal life [10].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of serotonin


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  9. Computer imaging and analysis of dopamine (D2) and serotonin (S2) binding sites in rat basal ganglia or neocortex labeled by [3H]spiroperidol. Altar, C.A., Kim, H., Marshall, J.F. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1985) [Pubmed]
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