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Chemical Compound Review

Trilixon     1-(2-chlorophenyl)sulfonyl-3- (4-methoxy-6...

Synonyms: Finesse, Khardin, Chlorsulfon, Glean, Telar, ...
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Disease relevance of Chlorsulphuron


High impact information on Chlorsulphuron

  • A deleted, nonfunctional fragment from the acetolactate synthase gene, carrying the mutant site specifying chlorsulfuron resistance plus a closely linked novel restriction site marker, was cloned into a binary vector [1].
  • The ALS gene encoding acetolactase synthase, which confers resistance to chlorsulfuron, functioned as a versatile marker for selection of plants grown in tissue culture as well as in soil [6].
  • Furthermore, foliar application of chlorsulfuron confirmed the development of resistant phenotypes [7].
  • Here we report crystal structures of yeast AHAS in complex with chlorsulfuron (at a resolution of 2.19 A), sulfometuron methyl (2.34 A), and two other sulfonylureas, metsulfuron methyl (2.29 A) and tribenuron methyl (2.58 A) [8].
  • Inhibition by both herbicides exhibits slow-binding kinetics, whereas chlorsulphuron also shows tight-binding inhibition [9].

Biological context of Chlorsulphuron


Anatomical context of Chlorsulphuron

  • We also conclude that for those who like to preserve the saphenous vein, the preferential use of polytetrafluoroethylene or Dacron Hemashield Finesse patching may be appropriate [14].
  • MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 64 ceramic bars were formed to produce 4 groups of 16 bars each for 4 ceramic materials (Duceram-LFC Dentin, Duceram-LFC Enamel, Finesse Dentin, and Finesse Enamel) [12].
  • Results showed that mixtures of herbicides with similar molecular targets, i.e. chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron (acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors), and with different molecular targets, i.e. pendimethalin (microtubule assembly inhibitor) and pretilachlor (very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) inhibitor), followed the ADM [15].

Associations of Chlorsulphuron with other chemical compounds

  • Phenylurea herbicides were indirectly determined in the form of their derived anilines and chlorsulfuron in the form of an aminotriazine as confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry [16].
  • In the sulfonylurea-resistant background, which derives from herbicide-resistant acetolactate synthase activity, induction of the In2-2 promoter by chlorsulfuron was lower [17].
  • This work analyzes carbohydrate concentration in sources and sinks after herbicide treatments in pea (Pisum sativum L.), as well as photosynthetic carbon assimilation, using two classes of chemicals, chlorsulfuron and imazethapyr, applied to roots or leaves [18].
  • OBJECTIVES: This study sought to evaluate the efficacy of using an X-ray diffractometer for the determination of leucite in Finesse, Ceramco II, and IPS Empress porcelains [19].
  • Three different selection agents (kanamycin, chlorsulfuron and imazethapyr) were tested for in vitro selection efficiency in two B. juncea cultivars, RLM198 and Varuna [20].

Gene context of Chlorsulphuron

  • Acetolactate synthase extracted from the two biotypes was equally sensitive to both ethametsulfuron-methyl and chlorsulfuron [21].
  • METHODS: Six porcelains were tested: A (Ceramco I/Dentsply), B (Ceramco II/Dentsitply), C (Finesse/Dentsply), D (d.Sign/Ivoclar), Cb (Cerabien/Noritake) and V (Vitadur Alpha/Vita) [22].
  • At the time of the survey in 1985, products containing prespruf and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) were the most popular insecticide, and products containing diquat, diclofop-methyl, chlorsulfuron and glyphosate as active ingredients represented the four most popular herbicides [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chlorsulphuron

  • Chlorsulfuron-resistant plants were regenerated from calli after mesophyll protoplast electroporation or leaf tissue particle bombardment with these specifically constructed chimeras [7].
  • For gynecologic electrosurgery, the Aspen Sabre 180 and Laserscope e10 were rated best, followed closely by the Utah Finesse and Finesse II and the Gyne-Tech Autolepe 4000 [24].
  • Determination of chlorsulfuron residues in grain, straw, and green plants of cereals by high-performance liquid chromatography [25].
  • CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the bond strengths of stainless steel orthodontic brackets bonded to Finesse and Empress II porcelains are clinically acceptable [26].
  • A study was performed to compare the positioning reproducibility and the cost efficiency for two head and neck immobilization devices: the Uvex (Uvex Safety, Smithfield, USA) plastic mask system and the Finesse Frame with Ultraplast System (PLANET Medical, Svendborg, Denmark) [4].


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  3. Biodegradation of chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl by Aspergillus niger. Zanardini, E., Negri, M., Boschin, G., D'Agostina, A., Valle, A., Arnoldi, A., Sorlini, C. ScientificWorldJournal (2002) [Pubmed]
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