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Chemical Compound Review

OP-2507     methyl5-[7-hydroxy-8-[(E)-3- hydroxy-3-(4...

Synonyms: OP 2507, AC1O5PK2, 72520-05-9
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Disease relevance of OP-2507


High impact information on OP-2507


Chemical compound and disease context of OP-2507


Biological context of OP-2507


Anatomical context of OP-2507


Gene context of OP-2507


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of OP-2507


  1. Prostacyclin analogue (OP-2507) induces delayed ex vivo neutrophil apoptosis and attenuates reperfusion-induced hepatic microcirculatory derangement in rats. Chen, M.F., Chen, J.C., Chiu, D.F., Ng, C.J., Shyr, M.H., Chen, H.M. Shock (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. Protective effect of a new prostacyclin analogue OP-2507 against cerebral anoxia and edema in experimental animals. Masuda, Y., Ochi, Y., Ochi, Y., Karasawa, T., Hatano, N., Kadokawa, T., Okegawa, T. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1986) [Pubmed]
  3. The combined use of prostaglandin I2 analogue (OP-2507) and thromboxane A2 synthetase inhibitor (OKY-046) strongly inhibits atherosclerosis of aortic allografts in rats. Hirano, T., Nakafusa, Y., Kawano, R., Motoyama, K., Arima, T., Sugitani, A., Tanaka, M. Surgery (2001) [Pubmed]
  4. Effects of OP 2507, a stable analogue of prostaglandin I2, on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in starved rats. Irita, K., Sakai, H., Yamakawa, M., Nawata, H., Yoshitake, J., Takahashi, S. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. (1996) [Pubmed]
  5. Effect of a prostacyclin analog OP-2507 on acute ischemic cerebral edema in cats. Terawaki, T., Takakuwa, T., Iguchi, S., Wakitani, K., Kira, H., Okegawa, T., Kawasaki, A., Masuda, Y. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1988) [Pubmed]
  6. Prostacyclin analogue (OP-2507) attenuates hepatic microcirculatory derangement, energy depletion, and lipid peroxidation in a rat model of reperfusion injury. Chen, H.M., Chen, M.F., Shyr, M.H. J. Surg. Res. (1998) [Pubmed]
  7. Pathophysiology of dogs after 84% hepatectomy with emphasis on prostaglandin metabolites and the effect of a thromboxane A2 synthesis inhibitor and a prostaglandin I2 analog. Iwata, M. Surgery today. (1994) [Pubmed]
  8. Effect of OP-2507, a stable prostacyclin analogue on cerebral ischemia induced by unilateral ligation of common carotid artery in gerbils. Masuda, Y., Yasuba, M., Zushi, K., Ochi, Y., Kadokawa, T., Okegawa, T. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie. (1988) [Pubmed]
  9. The effect of OP 2507, a stable analogue of prostacyclin, on Hep G2 exposed to hypoxia. Irita, K., Sakai, H., Isobe, H., Yamakawa, M., Nawata, H., Yoshitake, J.A. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. (1990) [Pubmed]
  10. The effect of OP-2507, a prostacyclin analogue, on endotoxin-induced extensive hepatic necrosis in rats following partial hepatectomy. Hamazaki, K., Kato, T., Mimura, H., Orita, K. J. Gastroenterol. (1994) [Pubmed]
  11. The beneficial effect of the prostacyclin analogue (OP 2507) on rat liver transplantation subjected to an extended anhepatic phase. Goto, S., Shimizu, Y., Lord, R., Vari, F., Edwards-Smith, C., Chiba, S., Kamada, N. Transpl. Int. (1996) [Pubmed]
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