Gene Review:
Dlx3 - distal-less homeobox 3
Mus musculus
AV237891, Dlx-3, Homeobox protein DLX-3
- Smad6 represses Dlx3 transcriptional activity through inhibition of DNA binding. Berghorn, K.A., Clark-Campbell, P.A., Han, L., McGrattan, M., Weiss, R.S., Roberson, M.S. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Regulation of epidermal differentiation by a Distal-less homeodomain gene. Morasso, M.I., Markova, N.G., Sargent, T.D. J. Cell Biol. (1996)
- Regulation of Dlx3 gene expression in visceral arches by evolutionarily conserved enhancer elements. Sumiyama, K., Ruddle, F.H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Developmental expression of the homeobox protein Distal-less 3 and its relationship to progesterone production in mouse placenta. Berghorn, K.A., Clark, P.A., Encarnacion, B., Deregis, C.J., Folger, J.K., Morasso, M.I., Soares, M.J., Wolfe, M.W., Roberson, M.S. J. Endocrinol. (2005)
- Placental failure in mice lacking the homeobox gene Dlx3. Morasso, M.I., Grinberg, A., Robinson, G., Sargent, T.D., Mahon, K.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999)
- Genomic structure and functional control of the Dlx3-7 bigene cluster. Sumiyama, K., Irvine, S.Q., Stock, D.W., Weiss, K.M., Kawasaki, K., Shimizu, N., Shashikant, C.S., Miller, W., Ruddle, F.H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) transactivates Dlx3 through Smad1 and Smad4: alternative mode for Dlx3 induction in mouse keratinocytes. Park, G.T., Morasso, M.I. Nucleic Acids Res. (2002)
- Dlx gene expression during chick inner ear development. Brown, S.T., Wang, J., Groves, A.K. J. Comp. Neurol. (2005)
- Phosphorylation of murine homeodomain protein Dlx3 by protein kinase C. Park, G.T., Denning, M.F., Morasso, M.I. FEBS Lett. (2001)
- Regulation of the Dlx3 homeobox gene upon differentiation of mouse keratinocytes. Park, G.T., Morasso, M.I. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- The Dlx3 protein harbors basic residues required for nuclear localization, transcriptional activity and binding to Msx1. Bryan, J.T., Morasso, M.I. J. Cell. Sci. (2000)
- Differential and overlapping expression domains of Dlx-2 and Dlx-3 suggest distinct roles for Distal-less homeobox genes in craniofacial development. Robinson, G.W., Mahon, K.A. Mech. Dev. (1994)
- Expression pattern of Dlx3 during cell differentiation in mineralized tissues. Ghoul-Mazgar, S., Hotton, D., Lézot, F., Blin-Wakkach, C., Asselin, A., Sautier, J.M., Berdal, A. Bone (2005)