Gene Review:
Ocm2 - oncomodulin 2
Rattus norvegicus
OM, Ocm, Oncomodulin, Parvalbumin beta, oncmodulin
- A complete complementary DNA for the oncodevelopmental calcium-binding protein, oncomodulin. Gillen, M.F., Banville, D., Rutledge, R.G., Narang, S., Seligy, V.L., Whitfield, J.F., MacManus, J.P. J. Biol. Chem. (1987)
- Lanthanide-binding properties of rat oncomodulin. Henzl, M.T., Hapak, R.C., Birnbaum, E.R. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1986)
- Occurrence of the tumor-specific, calcium-binding protein, oncomodulin, in virally transformed normal rat kidney cells. Durkin, J.P., Brewer, L.M., MacManus, J.P. Cancer Res. (1983)
- In vitro electro-pharmacological and autoradiographic analyses of muscarinic receptor subtypes in rat hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus: implications for cholinergic regulation of lordosis. Kow, L.M., Tsai, Y.F., Weiland, N.G., McEwen, B.S., Pfaff, D.W. Brain Res. (1995)
- Oncomodulin is a macrophage-derived signal for axon regeneration in retinal ganglion cells. Yin, Y., Henzl, M.T., Lorber, B., Nakazawa, T., Thomas, T.T., Jiang, F., Langer, R., Benowitz, L.I. Nat. Neurosci. (2006)
- Retroviral long terminal repeat is the promoter of the gene encoding the tumor-associated calcium-binding protein oncomodulin in the rat. Banville, D., Boie, Y. J. Mol. Biol. (1989)
- The complete amino acid sequence of oncomodulin--a parvalbumin-like calcium-binding protein from Morris hepatoma 5123tc. MacManus, J.P., Watson, D.C., Yaguchi, M. Eur. J. Biochem. (1983)
- Remodeling of the AB site of rat parvalbumin and oncomodulin into a canonical EF-hand. Cox, J.A., Durussel, I., Scott, D.J., Berchtold, M.W. Eur. J. Biochem. (1999)
- Calmodulin-like effect of oncomodulin on cell proliferation. Blum, J.K., Berchtold, M.W. J. Cell. Physiol. (1994)
- Interactions between residues in the oncomodulin CD domain influence Ca2+ ion-binding affinity. Treviño, C.L., Boschi, J.M., Henzl, M.T. J. Biol. Chem. (1991)
- Expression of alpha and beta parvalbumin is differentially regulated in the rat organ of corti during development. Yang, D., Thalmann, I., Thalmann, R., Simmons, D.D. J. Neurobiol. (2004)
- The concentrations of calcium buffering proteins in mammalian cochlear hair cells. Hackney, C.M., Mahendrasingam, S., Penn, A., Fettiplace, R. J. Neurosci. (2005)
- Expression of the tumor-specific and calcium-binding protein oncomodulin during chemical transformation of rat fibroblasts. Sommer, E.W., Heizmann, C.W. Cancer Res. (1989)
- Site-specific substitution of glutamate for aspartate at position 59 of rat oncomodulin. Hapak, R.C., Lammers, P.J., Palmisano, W.A., Birnbaum, E.R., Henzl, M.T. J. Biol. Chem. (1989)
- Site-specific mutants of oncomodulin. 1H NMR and optical stopped-flow studies of the effect on the metal binding properties of an Asp59----Glu59 substitution in the calcium-specific site. Golden, L.F., Corson, D.C., Sykes, B.D., Banville, D., MacManus, J.P. J. Biol. Chem. (1989)
- Oncomodulin and parvalbumin. A comparison of their interactions with europium ion. Henzl, M.T., Birnbaum, E.R. J. Biol. Chem. (1988)
- The differential stimulation of brain and heart cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase by oncomodulin. Mutus, B., Karuppiah, N., Sharma, R.K., MacManus, J.P. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1985)
- Site-specific replacement of amino acid residues in the CD site of rat parvalbumin changes the metal specificity of this Ca2+/Mg(2+)-mixed site toward a Ca(2+)-specific site. Pauls, T.L., Durussel, I., Clark, I.D., Szabo, A.G., Berchtold, M.W., Cox, J.A. Eur. J. Biochem. (1996)
- Oncomodulin. 1H NMR and optical stopped-flow spectroscopic studies of its solution conformation and metal-binding properties. Williams, T.C., Corson, D.C., Sykes, B.D., MacManus, J.P. J. Biol. Chem. (1987)
- Conformational stabilities of the rat alpha- and beta-parvalbumins. Henzl, M.T., Graham, J.S. FEBS Lett. (1999)