MeSH Review:
Hair Cells, Outer
- Cisplatin-induced hyperactivity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus and its relation to outer hair cell loss: relevance to tinnitus. Kaltenbach, J.A., Rachel, J.D., Mathog, T.A., Zhang, J., Falzarano, P.R., Lewandowski, M. J. Neurophysiol. (2002)
- Cisplatin ototoxicity: involvement of iron and enhanced formation of superoxide anion radicals. Dehne, N., Lautermann, J., Petrat, F., Rauen, U., de Groot, H. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (2001)
- The clinical utility of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions. Lonsbury-Martin, B.L., Martin, G.K. Ear and hearing. (1990)
- AChE-staining of type II ganglion cells, processes and terminals in the cochlea of the mustached bat. Xie, D.H., Henson, M.M., Henson, O.W. Hear. Res. (1994)
- Immunoreactivity for taurine in the cochlea: its abundance in supporting cells. Horner, K.C., Aurousseau, C. Hear. Res. (1997)
- On membrane motor activity and chloride flux in the outer hair cell: lessons learned from the environmental toxin tributyltin. Song, L., Seeger, A., Santos-Sacchi, J. Biophys. J. (2005)
- Individual variation and mechanism of kanamycin ototoxicity in rabbits. Ohtani, I., Ohtsuki, K., Aikawa, T., Omata, T., Ouchi, J., Saito, T. Acta Otolaryngol. (1982)
- KCNQ4, a novel potassium channel expressed in sensory outer hair cells, is mutated in dominant deafness. Kubisch, C., Schroeder, B.C., Friedrich, T., Lütjohann, B., El-Amraoui, A., Marlin, S., Petit, C., Jentsch, T.J. Cell (1999)
- Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier. Liberman, M.C., Gao, J., He, D.Z., Wu, X., Jia, S., Zuo, J. Nature (2002)
- The role of neurotrophic factors in regulating the development of inner ear innervation. Fritzsch, B., Silos-Santiago, I., Bianchi, L.M., Fariñas, I. Trends Neurosci. (1997)
- Thyroid hormone action in the absence of thyroid hormone receptor DNA-binding in vivo. Shibusawa, N., Hashimoto, K., Nikrodhanond, A.A., Liberman, M.C., Applebury, M.L., Liao, X.H., Robbins, J.T., Refetoff, S., Cohen, R.N., Wondisford, F.E. J. Clin. Invest. (2003)
- Gating of Ca2+-activated K+ channels controls fast inhibitory synaptic transmission at auditory outer hair cells. Oliver, D., Klöcker, N., Schuck, J., Baukrowitz, T., Ruppersberg, J.P., Fakler, B. Neuron (2000)
- The effect of quinine on outer hair cell shape, compliance and force. Jarboe, J.K., Hallworth, R. Hear. Res. (1999)
- Carbachol-induced inositol phosphate formation during rat cochlea development. Bartolami, S., Guiramand, J., Lenoir, M., Pujol, R., Récasens, M. Hear. Res. (1990)
- Amelioration of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity by fosfomycin. Schweitzer, V.G., Dolan, D.F., Abrams, G.E., Davidson, T., Snyder, R. Laryngoscope (1986)
- Capability of serum to convert streptomycin to cytotoxin in patients with aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. Wang, S., Bian, Q., Liu, Z., Feng, Y., Lian, N., Chen, H., Hu, C., Dong, Y., Cai, Z. Hear. Res. (1999)
- Differential vulnerability of inner and outer hair cell systems to chronic mild hypoxia and glutamate ototoxicity: insights into the cause of auditory neuropathy. Sawada, S., Mori, N., Mount, R.J., Harrison, R.V. The Journal of otolaryngology. (2001)
- Prestin, a new type of motor protein. Dallos, P., Fakler, B. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. (2002)
- A missense mutation in the previously undescribed gene Tmhs underlies deafness in hurry-scurry (hscy) mice. Longo-Guess, C.M., Gagnon, L.H., Cook, S.A., Wu, J., Zheng, Q.Y., Johnson, K.R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- Fluorescence imaging of extracellular purinergic receptor sites and putative ecto-ATPase sites on isolated cochlear hair cells. Mockett, B.G., Housley, G.D., Thorne, P.R. J. Neurosci. (1994)
- Vanilloid receptors in hearing: altered cochlear sensitivity by vanilloids and expression of TRPV1 in the organ of corti. Zheng, J., Dai, C., Steyger, P.S., Kim, Y., Vass, Z., Ren, T., Nuttall, A.L. J. Neurophysiol. (2003)
- NF-kappaB pathway protects cochlear hair cells from aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity. Jiang, H., Sha, S.H., Schacht, J. J. Neurosci. Res. (2005)
- Deafness and renal tubular acidosis in mice lacking the K-Cl co-transporter Kcc4. Boettger, T., Hübner, C.A., Maier, H., Rust, M.B., Beck, F.X., Jentsch, T.J. Nature (2002)
- Complementary roles of BDNF and NT-3 in vestibular and auditory development. Ernfors, P., Van De Water, T., Loring, J., Jaenisch, R. Neuron (1995)
- The Notch ligand Jagged1 is required for inner ear sensory development. Kiernan, A.E., Ahituv, N., Fuchs, H., Balling, R., Avraham, K.B., Steel, K.P., Hrabé de Angelis, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- Claudin 14 knockout mice, a model for autosomal recessive deafness DFNB29, are deaf due to cochlear hair cell degeneration. Ben-Yosef, T., Belyantseva, I.A., Saunders, T.L., Hughes, E.D., Kawamoto, K., Van Itallie, C.M., Beyer, L.A., Halsey, K., Gardner, D.J., Wilcox, E.R., Rasmussen, J., Anderson, J.M., Dolan, D.F., Forge, A., Raphael, Y., Camper, S.A., Friedman, T.B. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2003)
- The DFNB31 gene product whirlin connects to the Usher protein network in the cochlea and retina by direct association with USH2A and VLGR1. van Wijk, E., van der Zwaag, B., Peters, T., Zimmermann, U., Te Brinke, H., Kersten, F.F., Märker, T., Aller, E., Hoefsloot, L.H., Cremers, C.W., Cremers, F.P., Wolfrum, U., Knipper, M., Roepman, R., Kremer, H. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2006)
- Voltage-induced membrane movement. Zhang, P.C., Keleshian, A.M., Sachs, F. Nature (2001)
- Molecular mechanisms of sound amplification in the mammalian cochlea. Ashmore, J.F., Géléoc, G.S., Harbott, L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- Increasing intracellular free calcium induces circumferential contractions in isolated cochlear outer hair cells. Dulon, D., Zajic, G., Schacht, J. J. Neurosci. (1990)
- The developing organ of Corti contains retinoic acid and forms supernumerary hair cells in response to exogenous retinoic acid in culture. Kelley, M.W., Xu, X.M., Wagner, M.A., Warchol, M.E., Corwin, J.T. Development (1993)
- Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) protects rat cochlear hair cells in organotypical culture from aminoglycoside injury. Low, W., Dazert, S., Baird, A., Ryan, A.F. J. Cell. Physiol. (1996)
- Prestin, a cochlear motor protein, is defective in non-syndromic hearing loss. Liu, X.Z., Ouyang, X.M., Xia, X.J., Zheng, J., Pandya, A., Li, F., Du, L.L., Welch, K.O., Petit, C., Smith, R.J., Webb, B.T., Yan, D., Arnos, K.S., Corey, D., Dallos, P., Nance, W.E., Chen, Z.Y. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2003)
- Transcription profiling of inner ears from Pou4f3(ddl/ddl) identifies Gfi1 as a target of the Pou4f3 deafness gene. Hertzano, R., Montcouquiol, M., Rashi-Elkeles, S., Elkon, R., Yücel, R., Frankel, W.N., Rechavi, G., Möröy, T., Friedman, T.B., Kelley, M.W., Avraham, K.B. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2004)
- Notch ligands with contrasting functions: Jagged1 and Delta1 in the mouse inner ear. Brooker, R., Hozumi, K., Lewis, J. Development (2006)
- Hes1 is a negative regulator of inner ear hair cell differentiation. Zheng, J.L., Shou, J., Guillemot, F., Kageyama, R., Gao, W.Q. Development (2000)
- A mutation in the Lunatic fringe gene suppresses the effects of a Jagged2 mutation on inner hair cell development in the cochlea. Zhang, N., Martin, G.V., Kelley, M.W., Gridley, T. Curr. Biol. (2000)
- Identification of a protein that confers calcitonin gene-related peptide responsiveness to oocytes by using a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator assay. Luebke, A.E., Dahl, G.P., Roos, B.A., Dickerson, I.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- The aminoglycoside antibiotic dihydrostreptomycin rapidly enters mouse outer hair cells through the mechano-electrical transducer channels. Marcotti, W., van Netten, S.M., Kros, C.J. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (2005)
- Direct measurement of the action of acetylcholine on isolated outer hair cells of the guinea pig cochlea. Housley, G.D., Ashmore, J.F. Proc. Biol. Sci. (1991)
- Nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in the peripheral and central auditory system of the rat. Fessenden, J.D., Altschuler, R.A., Seasholtz, A.F., Schacht, J. J. Comp. Neurol. (1999)
- Fibroblast growth factor receptor expression in outer hair cells of rat cochlea. Pickles, J.O., Harter, C., Rebillard, G. Neuroreport (1998)