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Disease relevance of Cochlea


Psychiatry related information on Cochlea

  • An extended region of the greater mustached bat's cochlea, the sparsely innervated (SI) zone, is located just basally to the frequency place of the dominant 61-kHz component of the echolocation signal (CF2) [6].
  • Therefore, 5-HT fibers projecting to the cochlea might be involved, as in other parts of the auditory pathway, in alertness, attention, control of sleep or wakefulness cycles, and state of urgency prior to the transduction processing at the auditory receptor [7].
  • We compared eNOS expression in gentamicin-treated and non-treated guinea pigs in the second turn of the cochlea, an area corresponding to speech perception in humans [8].

High impact information on Cochlea

  • In the mouse cochlea, whirlin is expressed in the sensory IHC and OHC stereocilia [9].
  • In the cochlea, ultrastructural analysis of the TM indicated that otogelin is involved in the organization of its fibrillar network [10].
  • These findings implicate Fkh10 as an early regulator necessary for development of both cochlea and vestibulum and identify its human homologue FKHL10 as a previously unknown candidate deafness gene at 5q34 [11].
  • The auditory-evoked brainstem response (ABR) in Thrb-/- mice, although greatly diminished, displayed normal waveforms, which suggested that the primary defect resides in the cochlea [12].
  • Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (Fgfr3) is a tyrosine kinase receptor expressed in developing bone, cochlea, brain and spinal cord [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cochlea


Biological context of Cochlea


Anatomical context of Cochlea


Associations of Cochlea with chemical compounds

  • The mouse cochlea expresses type 2 deiodinase (D2), an enzyme that converts thyroxine, the main form of thyroid hormone in the circulation, into 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) the major ligand for TRs [28].
  • The activity decreased to less than 20% of its initial level after incubation with excess amounts of a polyclonal or a monoclonal antibody against the brain enzyme, but the activity remained unchanged with a polyclonal antibody against the spleen enzyme, indicating that the brain-type enzyme synthesizes prostaglandin D2 in the cochlea [29].
  • Brain-type prostaglandin D synthetase occurs in the rat cochlea [29].
  • The mechanics of the cochlea are vulnerable, and dramatic changes are seen especially when the sensory hair cells are affected, for example, following acoustic overstimulation or exposure to ototoxic compounds such as furosemide [30].
  • In this study cell cycle-associated events in the avian cochlea were analyzed at early and late time intervals following a single high dose of gentamicin [31].

Gene context of Cochlea


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cochlea


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