Gene Review:
ovo - CG6824 gene product from transcript CG6824-RE
Drosophila melanogaster
CG15467, CG6824, Dmel\CG6824, Fs(1)K1103, Fs(1)K1237, ...
- ovo/svb integrates Wingless and DER pathways to control epidermis differentiation. Payre, F., Vincent, A., Carreno, S. Nature (1999)
- Developmental analysis of the ovarian tumor gene during Drosophila oogenesis. Rodesch, C., Geyer, P.K., Patton, J.S., Bae, E., Nagoshi, R.N. Genetics (1995)
- Protein determinants of insertional specificity for the Drosophila gypsy retrovirus. Labrador, M., Corces, V.G. Genetics (2001)
- The ovo gene required for cuticle formation and oogenesis in flies is involved in hair formation and spermatogenesis in mice. Dai, X., Schonbaum, C., Degenstein, L., Bai, W., Mahowald, A., Fuchs, E. Genes Dev. (1998)
- The ovo locus is required for sex-specific germ line maintenance in Drosophila. Oliver, B., Perrimon, N., Mahowald, A.P. Genes Dev. (1987)
- The somatic sex determines the requirement for ovarian tumor gene activity in the proliferation of the Drosophila germline. Nagoshi, R.N., Patton, J.S., Bae, E., Geyer, P.K. Development (1995)
- The role of the ovarian tumor locus in Drosophila melanogaster germ line sex determination. Pauli, D., Oliver, B., Mahowald, A.P. Development (1993)
- Drosophila OVO regulates ovarian tumor transcription by binding unusually near the transcription start site. Lü, J., Oliver, B. Development (2001)
- The ovo gene of Drosophila encodes a zinc finger protein required for female germ line development. Mével-Ninio, M., Terracol, R., Kafatos, F.C. EMBO J. (1991)
- The three dominant female-sterile mutations of the Drosophila ovo gene are point mutations that create new translation-initiator AUG codons. Mével-Ninio, M., Fouilloux, E., Guénal, I., Vincent, A. Development (1996)
- Regulatory and functional interactions between ovarian tumor and ovo during Drosophila oogenesis. Hinson, S., Pettus, J., Nagoshi, R.N. Mech. Dev. (1999)
- Expression of murine novel zinc finger proteins highly homologous to Drosophila ovo gene product in testis. Masu, Y., Ikeda, S., Okuda-Ashitaka, E., Sato, E., Ito, S. FEBS Lett. (1998)
- Guidelines for the selection of highly effective siRNA sequences for mammalian and chick RNA interference. Ui-Tei, K., Naito, Y., Takahashi, F., Haraguchi, T., Ohki-Hamazaki, H., Juni, A., Ueda, R., Saigo, K. Nucleic Acids Res. (2004)
- Genetic evidence that the ovo locus is involved in Drosophila germ line sex determination. Oliver, B., Pauli, D., Mahowald, A.P. Genetics (1990)
- EGL-38 Pax regulates the ovo-related gene lin-48 during Caenorhabditis elegans organ development. Johnson, A.D., Fitzsimmons, D., Hagman, J., Chamberlin, H.M. Development (2001)
- Serrate-Notch signaling defines the scope of the initial denticle field by modulating EGFR activation. Walters, J.W., Muñoz, C., Paaby, A.B., Dinardo, S. Dev. Biol. (2005)
- stand still, a Drosophila gene involved in the female germline for proper survival, sex determination and differentiation. Pennetta, G., Pauli, D. Genetics (1997)
- Ectopic expression of lunatic Fringe leads to downregulation of Serrate-1 in the developing chick neural tube; analysis using in ovo electroporation transfection technique. Sakamoto, K., Nakamura, H., Takagi, M., Takeda, S., Katsube, K. FEBS Lett. (1998)
- Role of Pax-5 in the regulation of a mid-hindbrain organizer's activity. Funahashi, J., Okafuji, T., Ohuchi, H., Noji, S., Tanaka, H., Nakamura, H. Dev. Growth Differ. (1999)
- ovo, a Drosophila gene required for ovarian development, is specifically expressed in the germline and shares most of its coding sequences with shavenbaby, a gene involved in embryo patterning. Mével-Ninio, M., Terracol, R., Salles, C., Vincent, A., Payre, F. Mech. Dev. (1995)
- Divergence of larval morphology between Drosophila sechellia and its sibling species caused by cis-regulatory evolution of ovo/shaven-baby. Sucena, E., Stern, D.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)