Gene Review:
Arabidopsis thaliana
- Separate signal pathways regulate the expression of a low-temperature-induced gene in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Nordin, K., Heino, P., Palva, E.T. Plant Mol. Biol. (1991)
- Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heyn) cor78 in response to low temperature. Horvath, D.P., McLarney, B.K., Thomashow, M.F. Plant Physiol. (1993)
- Role of Arabidopsis AGO6 in siRNA accumulation, DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing. Zheng, X., Zhu, J., Kapoor, A., Zhu, J.K. EMBO J. (2007)
- ROR1/RPA2A, a putative replication protein A2, functions in epigenetic gene silencing and in regulation of meristem development in Arabidopsis. Xia, R., Wang, J., Liu, C., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhai, J., Liu, J., Hong, X., Cao, X., Zhu, J.K., Gong, Z. Plant Cell (2006)
- Small ubiquitin-like modifier modulates abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis. Lois, L.M., Lima, C.D., Chua, N.H. Plant Cell (2003)
- A mitochondrial complex I defect impairs cold-regulated nuclear gene expression. Lee, B.H., Lee, H., Xiong, L., Zhu, J.K. Plant Cell (2002)
- The Arabidopsis LOS5/ABA3 locus encodes a molybdenum cofactor sulfurase and modulates cold stress- and osmotic stress-responsive gene expression. Xiong, L., Ishitani, M., Lee, H., Zhu, J.K. Plant Cell (2001)
- Suppression of phospholipase Dalpha1 induces freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis: Response of cold-responsive genes and osmolyte accumulation. Rajashekar, C.B., Zhou, H.E., Zhang, Y., Li, W., Wang, X. J. Plant Physiol. (2006)
- Differential expression of two related, low-temperature-induced genes in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Nordin, K., Vahala, T., Palva, E.T. Plant Mol. Biol. (1993)
- Heterosis in the freezing tolerance of crosses between two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions (Columbia-0 and C24) that show differences in non-acclimated and acclimated freezing tolerance. Rohde, P., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G. Plant J. (2004)
- Activation of the NaCl- and drought-induced RD29A and RD29B promoters by constitutively active Arabidopsis MAPKK or MAPK proteins. Hua, Z.M., Yang, X., Fromm, M.E. Plant Cell Environ. (2006)
- Transcriptional regulation of ABI3- and ABA-responsive genes including RD29B and RD29A in seeds, germinating embryos, and seedlings of Arabidopsis. Nakashima, K., Fujita, Y., Katsura, K., Maruyama, K., Narusaka, Y., Seki, M., Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. Plant Mol. Biol. (2006)
- Transcriptome changes for Arabidopsis in response to salt, osmotic, and cold stress. Kreps, J.A., Wu, Y., Chang, H.S., Zhu, T., Wang, X., Harper, J.F. Plant Physiol. (2002)
- Identification of pathogen-responsive regions in the promoter of a pepper lipid transfer protein gene (CALTPI) and the enhanced resistance of the CALTPI transgenic Arabidopsis against pathogen and environmental stresses. Jung, H.W., Kim, K.D., Hwang, B.K. Planta (2005)
- Molecular characterization of a bHLH transcription factor involved in Arabidopsis abscisic acid-mediated response. Kim, J., Kim, H.Y. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2006)
- Induction of abscisic acid-regulated gene expression by diacylglycerol pyrophosphate involves Ca2+ and anion currents in Arabidopsis suspension cells. Zalejski, C., Paradis, S., Maldiney, R., Habricot, Y., Miginiac, E., Rona, J.P., Jeannette, E. Plant Physiol. (2006)
- Constitutive over-expression of AtGSK1 induces NaCl stress responses in the absence of NaCl stress and results in enhanced NaCl tolerance in Arabidopsis. Piao, H.L., Lim, J.H., Kim, S.J., Cheong, G.W., Hwang, I. Plant J. (2001)