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Chemical Compound Review

Thionine     (7-aminophenothiazin-3- ylidene)azanium...

Synonyms: Cyanine, Katalysin, Thionin, GNF-Pf-3564, Thionine (VAN), ...
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Disease relevance of Thionine

  • No transcripts for pathogenesis-related PR-1, PR-5, or the pathogen-inducible plant defensin Pdf1.2 could be detected in uninoculated transgenic seedlings, indicating that all of the observed effects of the overexpressing lines are most likely the result of the toxicity of the THI2.1 thionin [1].
  • Graded iodination of Pyrularia thionin leads to a related loss of activity for hemolysis, phospholipase A2 activation, cytotoxicity, and lethality in mice [2].
  • The relationship of membrane potential to motility and chemotaxis of Bacillus subtilis has been tested by using the fluorescence of a cyanine dye as a probe of the potential [3].
  • This uses cytokeratin to define pixels as breast cancer (tumor mask) within the tissue array spot and then measures intensity of marker expression using a cyanine 5-conjugated antibody within the mask [4].
  • Here we have studied the protein from Azotobacter vinelandii and Klebsiella pneumoniae with Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopies, with the following results: when the MoFe protein is oxidized by addition of stoichiometric amounts (6-8 equivalents) of dissolved thionin, the well characterized P-cluster state Pox results [5].

Psychiatry related information on Thionine


High impact information on Thionine

  • We have now used the findings that the cell membrane is more highly polarized in resting than in proliferating cells and that cyanine dyes carrying a delocalized positive charge enter live cells to an extent that depends on the cell membrane potential, to develop a method of distinguishing between cycling and non-cycling cells [8].
  • A cyanine dye distinguishes between cycling and non-cycling fibroblasts [8].
  • Inhibition of cell division and growth by a redox series of cyanine dyes [9].
  • Following exposure to formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP), PMN from adult donors (11) showed a marked change in membrane potential (31%) as determined by fluorescence emission using the cyanine dye, 3-3-dipentyloxacarbocyanine [DiOC5(3)] [10].
  • Membrane potential measurements using the cyanine dye, Di(S)-C3-5 verified a striking hyperpolarization of IMCD cells using this protocol [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Thionine


Biological context of Thionine


Anatomical context of Thionine

  • A similar pattern was observed when C2FCa2 cells were stained with DiOC6(3), a cyanine dye that labels endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria (M. Terasaki, J. Song, J. R. Wong, M. J. Weiss, and L. B. Chen, Cell 38:101-108, 1984) [22].
  • Fluorescently (cyanine 5) labeled cDNA probes, made individually from mRNA samples of nine pancreatic cell lines, were each combined with fluorescently (cyanine 3) labeled universal reference mRNA [23].
  • Fluorescently (cyanine 5) labeled normal pancreas mRNA was also compared with the same universal reference mRNA reference pool [23].
  • From measurements of the interfacial tension between oil and aqueous phases, and of water permeability across liposomal membranes, Pi was concluded to relax the phospholipid bilayer structure, resulting in great reduction in the concentration of the cyanine dye necessary for induction of the leakage-type pathway [17].
  • The basic analysis has been performed in three brains, serially sectioned and stained with thionin, myelin stain, acetylcholinesterase and parvalbumin, to determine cytoarchitectonic boundaries [24].

Associations of Thionine with other chemical compounds

  • We evaluated 10 rhodamine and cyanine dyes as carcinoma-specific mitochondrial photosensitizers in vitro [25].
  • Cellular responses to Pyrularia thionin are mediated by Ca2+ influx and phospholipase A2 activation and are inhibited by thionin tyrosine iodination [2].
  • This question can be tested by binding proflavin and thionin to haptoglobin because these dyes are known to interact specifically with serine proteases at the peptide binding site [26].
  • This suggests that binding of the J-aggregates onto the template CMA is sterically controlled by the asymmetric environment of glucose residues (of CMA) so that more twisting power is exerted with increasing DS (of CMA), rendering the cyanine dye/CMA complex a more rigid (a high fluorescence intensity) super-helix [27].
  • The PVN of 5 PWS patients (2 males and 3 females), varying in age between 22-64 yr, and 27 controls (14 males and 13 females) without any primary neurological or psychiatric diseases was morphometrically investigated after conventional staining with thionine and immunocytochemical staining for OXT and vasopressin (AVP) [28].

Gene context of Thionine

  • On alternating days, the bFGF and FGFR-1 antisense-targeted tumors received injections of cyanine fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies to a human melanoma and mouse blood vessel marker [29].
  • Pituitaries from 7 suicide victims and 11 cardiac deaths were sectioned into 10-microns slides, stained with thionin and processed for in situ hybridization using a riboprobe complementary to human POMC mRNA [30].
  • The PLA2 inhibitor aristolochic acid (10 microM) blocked IL-1 beta-induced IL-6 release and the release of IL-6 caused by Pyrularia pubera thionin (5 micrograms/ml), a stimulator of PLA2 activity [31].
  • Interestingly, the ratio of p75(NTR) expressing neurons to the total number of neurons as staining with thionin was significantly higher in the CA1 and CA2 subfields of AD hippocampus than in controls [32].
  • A cyanine dye, dis-C3- (5) was used to determine the effects of IFN on the membrane potential in cancer cells [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Thionine

  • We delineated this endocytic pathway in transfected cells by confocal microscopy using cyanine 3-SP and NK1-R antibodies [34].
  • Anaerobic oxidative titration of reduced FdIII with thionin indicated that each FdIII monomer exchanges two electrons [35].
  • Double-label immunofluorescence with the laser scanning confocal microscope using cyanine dyes [36].
  • We have undertaken the structural dissection of a highly knotted, cysteine-rich plant thionin, with the aim of defining a minimal, synthetically accessible, structure that preserves the bioactive properties of the parent peptide [37].
  • A mechanism involving steric interactions between the polymerase, cyanine-labeled sites on template and extending chains and the modified dUTP substrate is proposed to explain the inverse correlation between the labeling efficiency and the yield of DNA probe synthesis by PCR [38].


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