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Gene Review

Mcm3  -  minichromosome maintenance deficient 3 (S....

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AL033361, C80350, DNA polymerase alpha holoenzyme-associated protein P1, DNA replication licensing factor MCM3, Mcmd, ...
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Disease relevance of Mcm3

  • To generate mosaic animals, we used the bacteriophage P1-derived Cre-loxP recombination system, which allows gene alteration by Cre-mediated deletion of loxP-flanked gene segments [1].
  • Monoclonal antibodies to the class 1 outer membrane protein P1 of Neisseria meningitidis B:15:P1.7,16 have been shown to be bactericidal and protective in an infant rat meningitis model [2].
  • We have produced the P1 protein in Bacillus subtilis as inclusion bodies [2].
  • The first DNA vaccine, pP12X3C, encodes the viral capsid gene (P1) and the processing proteinase (3C) [3].
  • The brain samples were retested for rabies by means of the reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with 2 primer sets (P1/P2 and RHNI/RHNS3), which amplified full or partial regions on the nucleoprotein (N) gene of the rabies virus, respectively [4].

High impact information on Mcm3

  • Thus, it is likely that the underphosphorylated P1 is dissociated from the nuclear structure after DNA replication by cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation [5].
  • Using a polyclonal anti-P1 antibody raised against a beta-galactosidase-P1 fusion protein, we identified at least two forms of P1 protein in the nucleus of a mouse cell line, an underphosphorylated form that was associated with a particular nuclear structure and a hyperphosphorylated form loosely bound to the nucleus [5].
  • During progression through S phase, P1 disappeared, first from the euchromatic region, then from the heterochromatic region, apparently in parallel with temporally ordered DNA replication [5].
  • Low stringency screening of a human P1 artificial chromosome library using a human hair keratin-associated protein (hKAP1.1A) gene probe resulted in the isolation of six P1 artificial chromosome clones [6].
  • Analysis by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction shows that promoters P1 and P2 are utilized in osteoclasts, brain, and kidney, whereas promoter P3 appears to be osteoclast-specific [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mcm3


Biological context of Mcm3

  • Throughout its length, the primary structure of mammalian P1 displayed strong homology with that of Mcm3, a 125 kDa yeast protein thought to be involved in the initiation of DNA replication (Gibson et al. 1990. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10: 5707-5720) [8].
  • Depletion of Orc2 and Mcm3 by siRNA leads to an inhibition of cell proliferation, an altered cell cycle distribution as well as to multinucleated cells with insufficiently organised microtubules [9].
  • Detailed analysis of the intranuclear localization of the P1 protein during the cell cycle revealed that it accumulates transiently in the heterochromatic regions towards the end of G1 [10].
  • We found that the murine P1 protein was present in the nuclei of mammalian cells throughout interphase of the cell cycle [10].
  • The chromosomal localization of the P1 gene was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization to region 6p12 in human metaphase chromosomes [10].

Anatomical context of Mcm3


Associations of Mcm3 with chemical compounds

  • These results demonstrate that AMP phosphohydrolase activity in NG108-15 cells is due to ecto-ALP, and suggest that this enzyme plays an essential role for the P1 antagonist-sensitive ATP-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in NG108-15 cells [15].
  • Further variants comprising DDDDK(156)SS, DDDDK(156)SD and DDDDK(156)RR showed that the minimal critical determinants for enhanced enterokinase cleavage are serine in the P1' position followed by a serine or a basic residue, lysine or arginine, in the P2' position [16].

Physical interactions of Mcm3

  • Ciz1-depleted cells accumulate with chromatin bound Mcm3 and PCNA but fail to synthesize DNA efficiently [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mcm3

  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct automated sequencing, a biallelic (A/C) polymorphism was detected at position -55 in a conserved promoter element named P1 [18].
  • Furthermore, a minor start site was localized 179 bp upstream of the major site using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction with various P1 primers (primer walking), primer extension, and cDNA cloning [19].
  • The resulting antisera contained high titers (enzyme immunoassay) of antibodies directed to native P1 epitopes exposed on the surface of meningococcal cells [2].


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