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Gene Review

RSA1  -  Rsa1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Ribosome assembly 1 protein, YPL193W
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Disease relevance of RSA1


High impact information on RSA1

  • The translational defect suggests eIF5B stabilizes Met-tRNA(i)(Met) binding and that GTP hydrolysis by eIF5B is a checkpoint monitoring 80S ribosome assembly in the final step of translation initiation [4].
  • Thus, all major posttranscriptional activities in ribosome synthesis, pre-rRNA processing, pre-rRNA modification, and ribosome assembly are dependent on fibrillarin [5].
  • The nop1.4 and nop1.7 alleles result in the synthesis of cytoplasmic 60S ribosomal subunits with strongly aberrant mobilities on sucrose gradients even at the permissive temperature, owing to the impairment of a late step in ribosome assembly [5].
  • Eukaryotic ribosomal proteins are required for production of stable ribosome assembly intermediates and mature ribosomes, but more specific roles for these proteins in biogenesis of ribosomes are not known [6].
  • These mutations not only reveal a more precise function for rpS14 in ribosome biogenesis but also uncover a role in ribosome assembly for the extended tails found in many ribosomal proteins [6].

Biological context of RSA1


Anatomical context of RSA1


Associations of RSA1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of RSA1

  • Contributions of the highly conserved K270 and its neighboring K271 in the C-terminal region of the yeast ribosomal protein L1 to 5S rRNA binding and ribosome assembly were examined by in vivo and in vitro studies on the consequences of 14 substitution mutations [16].

Regulatory relationships of RSA1

  • The rsa1 null allele synthetically enhances the mild growth defect of weak dbp6 alleles and confers synthetic lethality when combined with stronger dbp6 alleles [7].
  • Production of ribosomal protein S14 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is coordinated with the rate of ribosome assembly by a feedback mechanism that represses expression of RPS14B [17].

Other interactions of RSA1

  • Synthetic lethality with conditional dbp6 alleles identifies rsa1p, a nucleoplasmic protein involved in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits [7].
  • Interestingly, free 60S ribosomal subunits of a rsa1 null mutant strain that was grown for two generations at 37 degrees C are practically devoid of the 60S-ribosomal-subunit protein Qsr1p/Rpl10p, which is required for joining of 60S and 40S subunits (D. P. Eisinger, F. A. Dick, and B. L. Trumpower, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:5136-5145, 1997) [7].
  • Kap120 functions as a nuclear import receptor for ribosome assembly factor Rpf1 in yeast [18].
  • Depletion of yeast ribosomal proteins L16 or rp59 disrupts ribosome assembly [19].
  • In L29 the corresponding Arg 25----Lys substitution within the nuclear localizing sequence distal to the N-terminus was without effect, as evidence by normal rates of ribosome assembly and cell growth [20].


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