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Disease relevance of Preleukemia


High impact information on Preleukemia


Chemical compound and disease context of Preleukemia


Biological context of Preleukemia


Anatomical context of Preleukemia


Gene context of Preleukemia

  • Since the GATA1 mutations were restricted to DS-AMKL, we also investigated whether GATA1 was altered in the "preleukemia" of DS, transient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD) [20].
  • The present results indicate that murine radiation induced AML is a multiphase process involving radiation induced preleukemia that can be promoted by different treatments [21].
  • They represent the time when AML cells are replacing preleukemia cells; (2) monoclonal hemopoiesis and RA/RARS represent a variety of clinical syndromes with a common appearance but with different evolutionary potential; (3) malignant cells alter the fitness landscape enhancing their proliferative advantage [22].
  • Possible retroviral origin of prion disease: could prion disease be reconsidered as a preleukemia syndrome [23]?
  • The results suggest that PSK could be used as a prophylactic immune response modifier in preleukemia [24].


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