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Disease relevance of Papilloma


Psychiatry related information on Papilloma


High impact information on Papilloma

  • The K5-SOS-F papillomas and primary keratinocytesfrom wa2 mice display increased apoptosis, reduced Akt phosphorylation and grafting experiments imply a cell-autonomous requirement for EGFR in keratinocytes [7].
  • However, c-fos-deficient papillomas quickly became very dry and hyperkeratinized, taking on an elongated, horny appearance [8].
  • The number, size, and growth rate of benign papillomas were not increased in the p53 heterozygous mice in comparison with wild type [9].
  • One of these genes, hMT-IA, was found to encode a functional protein that confers heavy metal resistance to NIH 3T3 cells after transfer on a bovine papilloma virus-derived vector [10].
  • These isolates were highly potent when evaluated for inhibition of chemically induced preneoplastic lesions in mammary organ culture and inhibition of papillomas in the two-stage mouse skin model, and they appear to function by a unique mechanism at the level of ODC messenger RNA expression [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Papilloma

  • The mice carry in the germline a mutant ras oncogene that has an arginine at codon 12 instead of glycine present in the wild-type, and after physical (wounding) or chemical promotion, these mice have a high probability for developing papillomas that progress to cancer [12].
  • The mode of action of an aromatic analogue of retinoic acid, ethyl all-trans-9-(4-methoxy-2,3,6-trimethyl-phenyl)-3,7-dimethyl-2,4,6,8-nonatetraenoate (Ro 10-9359), a compound known to possess a considerable prophylactic and therapeutic effect on skin papillomas and carcinomas, was investigated with autoradiographic and histopathologic methods [13].
  • A dose-dependent inhibition of carcinogenic expression, as determined by a decreased number of papillomas per animal, was observed in each mouse stock with the use of both FA and Ro 10-9359 when given alone [14].
  • Papillomas of the forestomach developed in 20 and 100% of the rats given diets containing 1 and 2% BHA, respectively [15].
  • Papilloma multiplicity increased from subgroup A to subgroup C in the MNAN plus B. pilosa group but not in the MNAN plus catechol group [16].

Biological context of Papilloma

  • The papilloma virus E2 transcriptional trans-activator is representative of a class of transcriptional modulators that activate transcription through direct binding to cis-acting DNA sequences [17].
  • The approximately 1000 nucleotide long upstream regulatory region (URR) of bovine papilloma virus-1 (BPV-1) contains a cis element which responds to trans-activation by a diffusible factor encoded in the viral E2 open reading frame (ORF) [18].
  • The same DNA segment, that does not contain the consensus sequences of all papilloma viruses relevant for E2 protein-mediated transcription enhancement, functions in an enhancer-like fashion in addition to its glucocorticoid responsive action [19].
  • Cell proliferation induced by uracil-calculi and subsequent development of reversible papillomatosis in the rat urinary bladder [20].
  • Although the rate of apoptosis in papillomas was unaffected by acute DFMO treatment, tumor cell proliferation was rapidly decreased after drug treatment [21].

Anatomical context of Papilloma


Gene context of Papilloma

  • Pten heterozygous (Pten+/-) mice develop increased papilloma numbers and show decreased carcinoma latency time in comparison with controls after skin treatment with dimethyl benzanthracene (DMBA) and tetradecanoyl-phorbol acetate (TPA) [27].
  • Finally, Ptprv loss enhances the formation of epidermal papillomas after exposure to chemical carcinogens, suggesting that Ptprv acts to suppress tumor formation in vivo [28].
  • Importantly, MDM2 increases papilloma formation induced by chemical carcinogenesis and predisposes to the appearance of premalignant lesions and squamous cell carcinomas. p53 has a natural role in the protection against UV damage in the basal layer of the epidermis [29].
  • We report here that, similarly to loss of p53, disruption of the p21(WAF1/Cip1) gene results in a markedly increased susceptibility to chemically induced skin carcinoma formation, whereas the number of papillomas is reduced [30].
  • A large body of evidence indicates that in this model, activation of Ha-ras is the critical event in papilloma formation, a process that involves epidermal proliferation and stroma remodeling, which includes angiogenesis [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Papilloma


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