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Disease relevance of Sialadenitis


High impact information on Sialadenitis

  • Oxyphenbutazone-induced sialadenitis [6].
  • The prevalence of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies and of sialitis is not increased in proinsulin 2(-/-) mice [7].
  • CONCLUSION: Arthropathy in DBA/1 mice is under the control of an allelic combination of gene loci, one of which is common to the locus for sialadenitis in MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr mice [8].
  • More than 19 chromosomal intervals (referred to as Idd regions) that contribute to diabetes susceptibility in the NOD mouse model have been identified, but only 2 chromosomal intervals (associated with Idd3 and Idd5) have been shown to control sialadenitis [9].
  • RESULTS: Following MCMV infection, B6-gld/gld mice developed an acute and chronic sialadenitis characterized by multiple foci of infiltrating T cells [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of Sialadenitis


Biological context of Sialadenitis


Anatomical context of Sialadenitis


Gene context of Sialadenitis

  • CONCLUSION: Chronic sialadenitis similar to that of SS developed in B6-gld/gld mice after MCMV infection [4].
  • In focal sialadenitis, some acinar cells showed staining with PCNA as well as with Klenow [21].
  • In the present study, the expression of CTGF, MMP-2, -3, -9, -13 and TIMP-3 was examined in chronic obstructive sialadenitis [22].
  • CONCLUSION: These results indicate that JNK and p38, but not ERK, function as downstream effector molecules of CD40 in salivary infiltrating MNCs in SS patients, and suggest that these molecules may be involved in the pathological process of chronic sialadenitis in SS [23].
  • Patients with positive rheumatoid factor (RF), antinuclear antibodies (ANA), or SSA or SSB antibodies had sialadenitis significantly more often than did patients with negative antibodies [5].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sialadenitis


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