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Cumulative Trauma Disorders

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Disease relevance of Cumulative Trauma Disorders


Psychiatry related information on Cumulative Trauma Disorders

  • OBJECTIVES: Conflict between motor-sensory central nervous processing has been suggested as one cause of pain in those conditions where a demonstrable or local nociceptive aetiology cannot be convincingly established (e.g. complex regional pain syndrome type 1, repetitive strain injury, phantom limb pain and focal hand dystonia) [6].

High impact information on Cumulative Trauma Disorders

  • This cortical plasticity/learning-based dedifferentiation of sensory feedback information from the hand contributes to the genesis of occupationally derived repetitive strain injuries, including focal dystonia of the hand [7].
  • For most diseases the test-retest reliability was good (kappa between 0.6 and 0.8), but for repetitive strain injury (kappa=0.37) and chronic arthritis other than RA (kappa=0.44) the agreement was fair to moderate [8].
  • Analysis revealed that male recruits with lower plantar flexor strength and increased dorsiflexion excursion were at a greater risk of Achilles tendon overuse injury [9].
  • Overuse syndromes mandate rest and control of inflammation through the use of ice, NSAIDs, and local injections of steroids followed by passive, active-assist, and active ROM; stretching; and mobilization exercises [10].
  • In this study we investigated the effect of neoprene insoles on the incidence of overuse injuries during 9 weeks of basic military training [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cumulative Trauma Disorders


Biological context of Cumulative Trauma Disorders


Anatomical context of Cumulative Trauma Disorders


Gene context of Cumulative Trauma Disorders


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