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Cellular Structures

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Disease relevance of Cellular Structures

  • Recent histological studies have shown that neuroblastomas can present with a schwannian cell component, rich in S100 protein [1].
  • In addition, we show that vaccinia virus-specific CD8+ Th cell function is mediated through production of lymphokines, including IL-2, and that the CD8+ Th cell component in the CTL response is labile, decreasing progressively with increasing time after in vivo priming [2].
  • In myxoid liposarcomas, p53 alterations are not relevant to the presence or absence of round cell components [3].
  • Frequent alteration of p16(INK4a)/p14(ARF) and p53 pathways in the round cell component of myxoid/round cell liposarcoma: p53 gene alterations and reduced p14(ARF) expression both correlate with poor prognosis [4].
  • However, keratin IFs were soon identified as major cellular structures to be affected in a variety of chronic liver diseases, such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH, NASH), copper toxicosis, and cholestasis [5].

High impact information on Cellular Structures


Chemical compound and disease context of Cellular Structures


Biological context of Cellular Structures


Anatomical context of Cellular Structures

  • It formed a stratified cellular structure with ultrastructural characteristics of a fully differentiated stratified squamous epithelium when cultured in equal parts of Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium and Ham's medium F12, supplemented only with insulin, transferrin, and selenium [20].
  • Obscurin is a giant sarcomeric protein of approximately 800 kD that binds to titin and has been proposed to mediate interactions between myofibrils and other cellular structures [21].
  • Indeed, we have found that RhoE in farnesylated in vivo and that this modification is required for association with the plasma membrane and with an unidentified cellular structure that may play a role in adhesion [22].
  • The cellular structures were well preserved, including mitochondria and intercalated disks in diazoxide-treated hearts compared with nontreated Ca2+ PD hearts [23].
  • The results directly demonstrate that the Yaa-mediated disease requires alphabeta+ T cells that are not, in themselves, abnormal in either composition or properties, but are engaged by a Yaa-encoded abnormality in a non-T cell component [24].

Associations of Cellular Structures with chemical compounds


Gene context of Cellular Structures

  • We show that a key factor is the presence of another keratin, K15, which was hitherto unappreciated as a basal cell component [30].
  • To understand the site and mechanism of dynamin action, the cellular structures devoted to ECM degradation were analyzed by correlative confocal light-electron microscopy [31].
  • Immunoreactive urocortin was also detected in luteinized granulosa and thecal cells of functioning corpora lutea, in which both cell components are capable of producing steroids [32].
  • BACKGROUND: Platelets are potential contributors to glomerular injury via the release of chemotactic and/or mitogenic mediators upon activation or through direct CD154/CD40-dependent interaction with cell components of the glomerulus [33].
  • The spindle cell component tissue showed coexpression of CD34, c-kit (CD117) and bcl-2 [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cellular Structures


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