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Pathology, Surgical

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Disease relevance of Pathology, Surgical


High impact information on Pathology, Surgical


Chemical compound and disease context of Pathology, Surgical


Biological context of Pathology, Surgical


Anatomical context of Pathology, Surgical


Associations of Pathology, Surgical with chemical compounds

  • Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections with a monoclonal antibody to Ia-like antigens was chosen for assessment of the value of this marker for diagnosis in surgical pathology [21].
  • Determination of steroid hormone-dependency of tumours utilizing tissue sections. Survey of histochemical techniques and their application in surgical pathology [22].
  • When each of the biochemical quantities was combined with the surgical pathology data it was found that only urinary total hydroxy-proline to creatinine ratio improved the discrimination significantly (P less than 0.05) and that the effect was marginal [23].
  • This study was a detailed medical record review of 18 previously reported users of fenfluramine and phentermine, all with valve abnormalities on echocardiogram and 2 with surgical pathology [24].
  • All cases were diagnosed by the Surgical Pathology Service of the Laboratory of Pathology of the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, between January 1986 and March 1991 [25].

Gene context of Pathology, Surgical

  • We emphasize the interpretation of the AMACR immunohistochemical results in routine surgical pathology practice and also discuss the potential future applications of this marker and the possible role of AMACR in the pathogenesis of cancer development [26].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: A panel of monoclonal antibodies against p53, p21 and cyclin D1 was applied to 19 bronchioloalveolar carcinomas (17 surgical pathology cases and two autopsies) from the tissue archives of St [27].
  • From these data we conclude that cyclin D3 and Topoisomerase II alpha appear to be additional markers for proliferation which can be used for prognosis index in surgical pathology of the pituitary [28].
  • The reactivity of the cadherin-specific antibodies with antigens in paraffin sections make them powerful and reliable markers in the practice of diagnostic surgical pathology [29].
  • This indicates that PCNA is stable under conditions routinely encountered in diagnostic surgical pathology and facilitates its potential use as a diagnostic proliferation marker [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pathology, Surgical


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