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Fossil Fuels

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Disease relevance of Fossil Fuels


High impact information on Fossil Fuels

  • 300-Myr-old magmatic CO2 in natural gas reservoirs of the west Texas Permian basin [3].
  • The process of converting methanol to hydrocarbons on the aluminosilicate zeolite HZSM-5 was originally developed as a route from natural gas to synthetic gasoline [4].
  • In spring 2002, maximum mixing ratios of ethane [34 parts per 109 by volume (ppbv)], propane (20 ppbv), and n-butane (13 ppbv) were observed in north-central Texas. The elevated alkane mixing ratios are attributed to emissions from the oil and natural gas industry [5].
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contained in fossil fuel combustion particles enhance the allergic response to common environmental Ags [6].
  • While benzene is a volatile carcinogen derived from nonrenewable fossil fuel feedstocks, glucose is nonvolatile, nontoxic, and derived from renewable plant polysacharrides [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Fossil Fuels


Biological context of Fossil Fuels


Anatomical context of Fossil Fuels


Associations of Fossil Fuels with chemical compounds

  • Chemical and toxicologic characterization of fossil fuel combustion product phenalen-1-one [15].
  • We show that the three-dimensional van Krevelen diagram can completely separate different classes in pyridine-extracted coal or petroleum samples and can also graphically distinguish fossil fuels according to their nature (coal vs petroleum), maturation (coals of different rank), and processing (the same coal at two stages of liquefaction) [16].
  • BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that air pollutants resulting from vehicle exhaust emissions and burning of fossil fuels, either in combination or individually, may enhance the airway response of asthmatic subjects to inhaled allergen [17].
  • The associations with sulfate suggest a link with stationary fossil fuel combustion sources [18].
  • There was weak evidence that the following substances may be risk factors for bladder cancer: natural gas combustion products, aromatic amines, cadmium compounds, photographic products, acrylic fibers, polyethylene, titanium dioxide, and chlorine [19].

Gene context of Fossil Fuels

  • Inhibition of progesterone receptor activity in recombinant yeast by soot from fossil fuel combustion emissions and air particulate materials [20].
  • Increasing PAH depositions were caused by rapid industrialization accompanied by extensive use of fossil fuels; decreasing PAH depositions were caused by substitution of these fuels and movements of PAH emitting industry to different regions [21].
  • In the summer, n-alkanes were heavily enhanced by vegetation emissions with a maximum carbon number (Cmax) at C29, whereas they were dominated by emissions from fossil fuels combustion with a Cmax at C22/ C23 in the winter [22].
  • The conversion of the whole pampean cropping area to no-till would increase SOC by 74 Tg C, about twice the annual C emissions from fossil fuel consumption of Argentina [23].
  • The highest 4He and CH4 concentrations are found only in the deepest sample (Gulf State Park), indicating that ground water flow into the Gulf of Mexico suppresses the natural gas plume [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fossil Fuels

  • Another embryo-larval bioassay was attempted with p-benzoquinone, a highly toxic phenolic compound found in fossil fuel processing wastewaters, which was discontinued because the compound was rapidly degraded chemically or biologically in the headtank and aquaria [25].


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