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Disease relevance of Neurons


Psychiatry related information on Neurons


High impact information on Neurons

  • In situ hybridization revealed that KIF1B is expressed abundantly in differentiated nerve cells [11].
  • These findings indicate that cerebral accumulation of PrPSc and its degradation products may play a role in the nerve cell degeneration that occurs in prion-related encephalopathies [12].
  • Nerve growth factor, fibroblast growth factor and purpurin, have been identified as nerve-cell survival molecules [13].
  • Receptors for excitatory amino-acid transmitters on nerve cells fall into two main categories associated with non-selective cationic channels, the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and non-NMDA (kainate and quisqualate) receptors [14].
  • We show that in this system cholinergic agonists activate functional ion channels, that have properties comparable to those exhibited by the peripheral AChRs in vertebrates; thus, for the first time a functional acetylcholine receptor channel has been identified in nerve cells [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Neurons


Biological context of Neurons

  • Using immature cortical neurons and a clonal nerve cell line, it is shown that a decrease in GSH triggers the activation of neuronal 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX), which leads to the production of peroxides, the influx of Ca2+, and ultimately to cell death [21].
  • The data presented here show that PC-PLC also is required in oxidative glutamate-induced programmed cell death of both immature cortical neurons and a hippocampal nerve cell line, HT22 [22].
  • It has been difficult to establish whether cyclic AMP-mediated protein phosphorylation in nerve cells plays a specific role in synaptic transmission [23].
  • In this paper, the electrically conductive polymer--oxidized polypyrrole (PP)--has been evaluated for use as a substrate to enhance nerve cell interactions in culture as a first step toward potentially using such polymers to stimulate in vivo nerve regeneration [24].
  • Nerve cells, which were obtained from fetal rats at 18 to 20 days of gestation, were plated at very low density onto polylysine-treated coverslips and were maintained in serum-free medium [25].

Anatomical context of Neurons


Associations of Neurons with chemical compounds

  • GABA and picrotoxinin receptors in clonal nerve cells [31].
  • An initial effect of nerve growth factor on a responsive nerve cell line is to increase intracellular cyclic AMP, which in turn leads to a mobilisation of calcium ions [32].
  • Desensitisation of muscarinic receptor-mediated cyclic GMP formation by cultured nerve cells [33].
  • Asymmetrical displacement currents in nerve cell membrane and effect of internal fluoride [34].
  • These data are compatible with the concept that noradrenaline hyperpolarizes nerve cells by decreasing resting membrane conductances to sodium and potassium ions [35].

Gene context of Neurons

  • Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) induced hyperactivation of ERK and Akt in enteric nerve cells [36].
  • Since leukemia inhibitory factor functions as a cholinergic differentiation factor in nerve cells, as does ciliary neurotrophic factor, these results suggest that gp130 may also play a role in the nervous system [37].
  • However, a small subpopulation of synapses in any given glutamatergic nerve cell as well as all gamma-aminobutyratergic (GABAergic) synapses are largely independent of Munc13-1 [38].
  • Accordingly, the promoter domain containing HF1 and HF2 is recognized by cerebellum nuclear extracts containing Engrailed and Foxa2 and has regulatory functions in primary cultures of embryonic mesmetencephalic nerve cells [39].
  • A considerable portion of the TB-labeled nerve cell bodies in the superior cervical ganglion contained NPY [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neurons


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