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Disease relevance of Traction


Psychiatry related information on Traction


High impact information on Traction

  • To move forward, migrating cells must generate traction forces through surface receptors bound to extracellular matrix molecules coupled to a rigid structure [7].
  • The engagement of laminin by alpha 6 beta 4 can stabilize actin-rich protrusions and mediate traction forces necessary for cell movement [8].
  • TGF-beta activation by traction [9]?
  • The reduction in contact area at the rear compared with that at the lamellipodium concentrates the traction forces in the rear on fewer integrin-ECM bonds, facilitating release [10].
  • Here we show that integrin-mediated traction forces can be selectively modulated by the tyrosine kinase Src [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Traction


Biological context of Traction

  • Memantine and four other amino-adamantanes with somewhat lower potency and faster blocking kinetics had better therapeutic indices (ED50 rotarod and traction reflex over ED50 in MES-induced convulsions; TI = 2-4) than substances with higher affinity such as ketamine, dextrorphan and (+)-MK-801 (TI < 2) [17].
  • Intracisternal (IC) neurotensin (NT) produces muscle relaxation in the Julou-Courvoisier traction test, a screening procedure utilized for assessing neuroleptic drug activity [18].
  • We investigated the effect of intravenous (iv) ibuprofen on prostanoid release and on pulmonary gas exchange after abdominal mesenteric traction (MT) during either abdominal aortic surgery or pancreas resection [19].
  • The effect of passive surface traction on the cleavage of cells is incorporated in the cytokinesis hydrodynamic model of Zinemanas and Nir [Biomechanics of cell Division, pp. 281-305, Plenum Press, New York (1987)] [20].
  • Parameters analyzed included demographics, mechanism of injury, American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) level on admission and during hospital stay, onset of ascension, blood pressure, hemoglobin, febrile episode, heparin administration, and the timing of operation and traction [21].

Anatomical context of Traction

  • Here, we report how Src family tyrosine kinase activity controls apCAM-mediated growth cone steering by regulating the transmission of traction forces through receptor-cytoskeletal linkages [22].
  • We conclude that integrin-dependent actomyosin traction force mediates the disruption of cell-cell adhesion during epithelial cell scattering [23].
  • Our results indicate that ankyrinB promotes neurite initiation by acting as a component of the clutch module that transmits traction force generated by F-actin flow to the extracellular substrate via L1-CAM [24].
  • These results indicate that myosin V is not necessary for the traction force needed for growth cone locomotion, for organization of the actin cytoskeleton, or for filopodial dynamics [25].
  • Challenging WKY fibroblasts with 1 micromol/l angiotensin II (Ang II) gradually causes a approximately 2-fold increase in traction after 1 h while simultaneously causing a approximately 28% decrease in area [26].

Associations of Traction with chemical compounds

  • Transmission of growth cone traction force through apCAM-cytoskeletal linkages is regulated by Src family tyrosine kinase activity [22].
  • While not affecting retrograde F-actin flow rates, genistein and the Src family selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors PP1 and PP2 strongly reduced the growth cone's ability to apply traction forces through apCAM-cytoskeletal linkages, assessed using the restrained bead interaction assay [22].
  • Cells were cultured on flexible polyacrylamide substrates for the detection of traction forces and the application of mechanical stimulation [27].
  • The role of prostacyclin in the mesenteric traction syndrome during anesthesia for abdominal aortic reconstructive surgery [28].
  • Conversely, application of gadolinium, an inhibitor of stretch-activated ion channels, or removal of extracellular free Ca2+ caused inhibition of traction forces [29].

Gene context of Traction


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Traction

  • The results of these experiments suggested that after the high intensity stimuli of laparotomy with intestinal traction or 250 mug histamine ip/100 g BW, the morning ACTH response was greater than the evening response [35].
  • Despite similar initial conditions, the ACTH response to ether or to laparotomy with intestinal traction (but not to ip saline injections) was greater after unilateral adrenalectomy (P less than 0.01) at times when plasma corticosterone levels were not different [36].
  • The overall intensity of the cell contraction (the median traction magnitude, the energy transferred from the cell to the gel, and the net contractile moment) increased after activation with histamine, and decreased after treatment with isoproterenol [37].
  • Compared with the children treated with traction and a cast, those treated with titanium elastic nails had shorter hospitalization, walked with support sooner, walked independently sooner, and returned to school earlier [12].
  • We concluded that eyes in which any IOL optic is covered by the anterior capsular edge do not have a higher incidence of photic phenomena, which may instead result from the PMMA or vitreoretinal traction after cataract extraction [38].


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