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Maternal Deprivation

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Disease relevance of Maternal Deprivation

  • In addition to a slight reduction in birth weight, prenatal stress was associated with elevated corticosterone levels (33.8%) after 1 h of maternal deprivation on postnatal day 1, whereas by postnatal day 8 this pattern was reversed (-46.5%) [1].

Psychiatry related information on Maternal Deprivation


High impact information on Maternal Deprivation

  • These findings suggest that maternal deprivation elicits a specific suppression of growth hormone release which mediates the decrease in ornithine decarboxylase activity [4].
  • After 24 hr of maternal deprivation, significant elevations in ACTH and the naturally occurring glucocorticoid corticosterone (CORT) are observed during the stress-hyporesponsive period [5].
  • Postnatal repeated maternal deprivation produces age-dependent changes of brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in selected rat brain regions [6].
  • For this purpose, the role of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR) in control of HPA activity was examined during the SHRP and in response to 24 h of maternal deprivation [7].
  • Elevations of CSF CRF have also been reported in adult laboratory animals exposed to the stress of brief maternal deprivation or maternal neglect in the neonatal or preweaning period [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Maternal Deprivation


Biological context of Maternal Deprivation


Anatomical context of Maternal Deprivation


Gene context of Maternal Deprivation


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Maternal Deprivation


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