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Gene Review

Crh  -  corticotropin releasing hormone

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CRF, Corticoliberin, Corticotropin-releasing factor, Corticotropin-releasing hormone
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Disease relevance of Crh

  • The results also suggest that brain CRF has dual effects on food intake, hyperphagia and anorexia, in a stress-dependent manner [1].
  • When adult obese rats were intracerebroventricularly-treated with ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRF) for 7 days, they stopped gaining body weight relative to vehicle-infused obese controls [2].
  • The response of plasma ACTH to hypoglycemia was partially inhibited by the administration of CRF-antiserum (CRF-As) or AVP-antiserum (AVP-As) alone, but was found to be completely abolished by the administration of CRF-As + AVP-As as compared to the response in normal rabbit serum-treated rats [3].
  • Elevated corticosterone and inhibition of ACTH responses to CRH and ether in the neonatal rat: effect of hypoxia from birth [4].
  • It is proposed that: 1) hypothalamic NPY may play a role in the establishment and maintenance of the genetic obesity syndrome of the fa/fa rat, and 2) maintenance of the genetic obesity syndrome of the fa/fa rat, and 2) hypothalamic NPY could be partly regulated by central CRF [2].

Psychiatry related information on Crh


High impact information on Crh


Chemical compound and disease context of Crh


Biological context of Crh


Anatomical context of Crh

  • In the light of data that major depression is associated with an activation of brain CRH and LC-NE systems, the time-dependent effect of long-term imipramine administration on decreasing the gene expression of CRH in the hypothalamus and TH in the LC may be relevant to the therapeutic efficacy of this agent in depression [18].
  • These findings suggest that CRH induces skin vascular permeability through NT acting on mast cells and that both peptides should be considered in the pathogenesis of skin disorders exacerbated by stress [20].
  • However, HR rats exhibited higher levels of CRH mRNA in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus but lower basal levels in the central nucleus of the amygdala [21].
  • Moreover, B or T MPOA implants also decreased resting-state levels of AVP but not CRH in the median eminence, and these effects were correlated with ACTH responses to restraint [22].
  • The stress-induced increases in mRNA levels of CRH in the PVN and TH in the locus coeruleus were reduced by imipramine but not by Hypericum [23].

Associations of Crh with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Crh

  • The actions of CRF are mediated by G-protein coupled membrane bound receptors and a high affinity CRF receptor, CRF1, has been previously cloned and functionally characterized [27].
  • Corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 and type 2alpha receptors regulate phosphorylation of calcium/cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate response element-binding protein and activation of p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase [28].
  • NMU that interacts anatomically and/or functionally with the CRH system is a novel physiological regulator of stress response [7].
  • During atrial pulsation, a stimulus mimicking volume loading and associated with a reduction of systemic ACTH levels, we observed a significant decline in portal concentrations of immunoreactive AVP coupled with a nonsignificant trend toward reduced portal immunoreactive CRF levels [29].
  • CRF microinjected into the dorsal vagal complex inhibits TRH analog- and kainic acid-stimulated gastric contractility in rats [30].

Co-localisations of Crh


Regulatory relationships of Crh

  • CRH induced Fas ligand production and apoptosis [26].
  • Intracerebroventricular BDNF injections (5 microg/rat) in non-anesthetized adult male rats induce a gradual increase in the CRH mRNA signal whereas AVP mRNA signal progressively decreases in the parvocellular and magnocellular PVN portions [31].
  • However, whether hypothalamic CRF levels influence changes in hippocampal GR expression (and memory function), via reduced CRF receptor activation and consequent lower plasma glucocorticoid levels, is unclear [33].
  • These studies demonstrated changes in the expression of CRF in urinary bladder and SPN region with CYP-induced cystitis and CRF receptor (CRF(2)) expression in nerve fibers and urothelium in control rats [15].
  • Double label staining was also performed to determine if NPY Y1 receptors were expressed in CRH neurons [34].

Other interactions of Crh

  • The deduced protein encodes a peptide that we name urocortin, which is related to urotensin (63% sequence identity) and CRF (45% sequence identity) [10].
  • This heterogeneous distribution of CRF1 and CRF2 receptor mRNA suggests distinctive functional roles for each receptor in CRF-related systems [27].
  • These results strongly suggest that BDNF could be a stress-responsive intercellular messenger since when it is exogenously administered acts as an important and early component in the activation and recruitment of hypothalamic CRH and AVP neurons [31].
  • This study investigated the effect of CRF on NPY release in vivo, measured by push-pull techniques, in the anesthetized rat [35].
  • Hippocampal GR and hypothalamic CRF mRNA levels and stress-induced plasma corticosterone levels were also examined [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Crh

  • Exposure of ARC/PVN cocultures to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) resulted in a dose-dependent increase of CRH secretion and an inhibition of AVP and beta-END; the CRH responses deviated strikingly from predictions based on in vivo experiments [24].
  • Adrenalectomy (ADX) leads to a decrease in the number of CRF-binding sites in the rat anterior pituitary (AP) [36].
  • Acute immobilization caused a significant increase in CRH, but not AVP, mRNA levels in the parvocellular PVN in sham rats [37].
  • The mRNA level was determined by Northern blot analysis using a rat brain CRF-R1 complementary RNA probe [36].
  • When CRF was administered into the PVN via the push-pull cannula at 1 or 5 microg/ml, dose-dependent increases in NPY overflow of two- and fivefold were observed (p < 0.05) [35].


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