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Chemical Compound Review

Oktanen     octane

Synonyms: Ottani, Oktan, octan, n-octane, n-Oktan, ...
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Disease relevance of octane

  • The growth of Pseudomonas oleovorans on n-octane was characterized by the formation of intracellular structures [1].
  • Rhodococcus erythropolis XP was also capable of efficiently degrading the condensed thiophenes in resting cell as well as biphasic reactions in which n-octane served as a model oil phase [2].
  • Effects of n-octane and n-nonane (1 ml per kg body weight daily) on hepatic and serum enzymes, which reflect abnormal liver function and concentration of lipid and nucleic acid (serum and liver), were studied after 2 and 7 days intraperitoneal administration to albino rats [3].
  • Bioconversion of n-octane to octanoic acid by a recombinant Escherichia coli cultured in a two-liquid phase bioreactor [4].

High impact information on octane

  • The kinetics and mode of nucleation and growth of fibers by 5alpha-cholestan-3beta-yl N-(2-naphthyl)carbamate (CNC), a low-molecular-mass organogelator (LMOG), in n-octane and n-dodecane have been investigated as their sols were transformed isothermally to organogels [5].
  • The microemulsion method (with 93.76% aqueous borate buffer (pH 9.2, 10 mM), 0.48% n-octane, 1.80% SDS, 3.96% 1-butanol, all w/w) is suitable for the determination of levetiracetam in human plasma (combined with a sample pretreatment based on solid-phase extraction) [6].
  • A 1-microL drop of n-octane suspended from the tip of a microsyringe needle in 500 mL of stirred aqueous solution is used to extract unbound progesterone in the presence of 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) for analysis by gas chromatography (GC) [7].
  • The traits investigated were surface hydrophobicity (measured by adherence to n-octane), net surface electrostatic charge (determined by measurement of the zeta potential), and the cell surface shape and polymers (determined by scanning electron microscope analysis) [8].
  • An inverted repeat similar to the binding site for the P. putida GPo1 transcriptional activator AlkS was present upstream of the promoters for alkB1 and alkB2, although that of alkB2 was less well conserved, and only the transcriptional fusion of promoter PalkB1 to the reporter gene lacZ efficiently responded to n-octane [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of octane


Biological context of octane

  • In the case of pseudomonads containing the OCT plasmid, whole-cell oxidation of n-octane was poorly induced by terminally branched dimethyloctanes [11].
  • We report kinetic data of penicillin hydrolysis catalyzed by beta-lactamase entrapped in reverse micelles formed with cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), n-octane, hexanol and aqueous buffer [12].
  • The anesthetic potency of four derivatives of n-octane was measured by tadpole righting reflex and expressed as effective millimolar concentration of drug in membrane, EDM50 [13].
  • Results of the study indicate that for low-octane gasoline (95 Research Octane Number), lower reformer temperatures and pressures generally decrease the potential environmental impacts [14].

Anatomical context of octane

  • Studies on alkaline phosphatase were conducted in albino rats exposed to n-octane or n-nonane for 2 and 7 days; there was an increase in alkaline phosphatase activity of liver, spleen and bone marrow [15].
  • Membranes formed from cholesterol oxidized in n-octane were not physically stable even after 7 h of oxidation unless they were aged for at least a month [16].

Associations of octane with other chemical compounds

  • Experiments and molecular simulations were carried out to study temperature effects (in the range of 323 to 383 K) on the absolute and relative retention of n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, benzene, toluene and the three xylene isomers in gas-liquid chromatography [17].
  • Ant-CT is stable at neutral pH for months, allowing a detailed fluorescence study of Ant-CT as a model protein to investigate its physical properties in 0.1 M Tris/HCl, pH 8.2, and in reversed micelles of n-octane, 0.1 M Tris/HCl, pH 8.2, and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) [18].
  • Heterologous expression showed that the two alkane hydroxylase homologs of P. aeruginosa PAO1 (AlkB1 and AlkB2) oxidize C(12)-C(16)n-alkanes, while two rubredoxin (RubA1 and RubA2) and a rubredoxin reductase (RubB) homologs can replace their P. putida GPo1 counterparts in n-octane oxidation [19].
  • Molecular modeling was performed on Octane 2 workstation (Silicon Graphics) using Discover/Insight II software (Molecular Simulations Inc.). Through molecular modeling, possible binding sites for these drugs were suggested to lie between transmembrane domains (TM) 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the alpha(1)-AR subtypes [20].
  • The EPR spectrum of cytochrome P-450 was slightly modified but the magnitude of the low-spin signal was unchanged. n-Octanethiol competitively displaced metyrapone and n-octane from the active site of cytochrome P-450 [21].

Gene context of octane

  • The concentration of alpha-hydroxyisobutyric acid ( alpha-HIBA), as eluent, was altered from 0.06 to 0.4 mol L(-1) (pH 3.7) and 0.01 mol L(-1) sodium salt n-octane sulfonic acid (OS) was used as modifier [22].


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  2. Microbial desulfurization of gasoline by free whole-cells of Rhodococcus erythropolis XP. Yu, B., Ma, C., Zhou, W., Wang, Y., Cai, X., Tao, F., Zhang, Q., Tong, M., Qu, J., Xu, P. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Hepatotoxicity in albino rats exposed to n-octane and n-nonane. Khan, S., Pandya, K.P. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. (1985) [Pubmed]
  4. Bioconversion of n-octane to octanoic acid by a recombinant Escherichia coli cultured in a two-liquid phase bioreactor. Favre-Bulle, O., Schouten, T., Kingma, J., Witholt, B. Biotechnology (N.Y.) (1991) [Pubmed]
  5. Kinetics of 5alpha-cholestan-3beta-yl N-(2-naphthyl)carbamate/n-alkane organogel formation and its influence on the fibrillar networks. Huang, X., Terech, P., Raghavan, S.R., Weiss, R.G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  9. Characterization of two alkane hydroxylase genes from the marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis. van Beilen, J.B., Marín, M.M., Smits, T.H., Röthlisberger, M., Franchini, A.G., Witholt, B., Rojo, F. Environ. Microbiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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