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Chemical Compound Review

N-octanol     octan-1-ol

Synonyms: Octilin, octanol, octyl-alcohol, Alfol 8, Alcohol C8, ...
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Disease relevance of N-octanol

  • The log 1-octanol/water partition coefficient showed an optimal value of 2.61 for toxicity against both cell types [1].
  • The findings suggest that D-NAP and 1-octanol selectively interact with NMDA receptors in an ethanol-dependent manner, further implicating the L1 cell adhesion molecule in alcohol-related brain disorders [2].
  • As a follow-up to earlier studies on the emission of long-chain alcohols from broth cultures of Gram-negative enteric bacteria, E. coli was examined for the production of 1-octanol, 1-decanol, and 1-dodecanol [3].
  • Regiospecific effect of 1-octanol on cis-trans isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids in the solvent-tolerant strain Pseudomonas putida S12 [4].
  • Using this system, we also succeeded in directly identifying the function of P450 CYP153A as alkane 1-monooxygenase for the first time, i.e., E. coli cells expressing a P450 CYP153A gene named P450balk, which was isolated form Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2, converted octane into 1-octanol with high efficiency (800 mg/l) [5].

High impact information on N-octanol


Chemical compound and disease context of N-octanol


Biological context of N-octanol


Anatomical context of N-octanol

  • Passage of the fluorescent dye, and hence intercellular communication, was inhibited both by the tumor-promoting phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and by 1-octanol, known uncouplers of gap junctions in a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate cell types [16].
  • The uncoupling agent, 1-octanol, attenuated the [Ca(2+)](i) responses in both the control and glutamate pretreated astrocytes, indicating the role of gap junctional communication [17].
  • Caco-2 cells could take up 15 dietary carotenoids, including epoxy carotenoids, such as violaxanthin, neoxanthin and fucoxanthin, from micellar carotenoids, and the uptakes showed a linear correlation with their lipophilicity, defined as the distribution coefficient in 1-octanol/water (log P(ow)) [18].
  • Particulate membranes were prepared by using 1-octanol to precipitate EVAL solutions in DMSO [19].
  • Tetramethylrhodamine showed similar characteristics for labeling of denervated muscle fibers and pH-dependent fluorescence in N-octanol [20].

Associations of N-octanol with other chemical compounds

  • A good correlation was found between the logarithms of the equilibrium brain/blood concentration ratios in the rat and the partition parameter, delta log P, defined as log P (1-octanol/water)-log P (cyclohexane/water), which suggests that brain penetration might be improved by reducing overall hydrogen-bonding ability [21].
  • 1-Octanol-water log P values for a large number of standards and bioactive molecules have been correlated to the logarithm of the corresponding capacity factors determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, using a novel dynamically coated phase, containing phosphatidylcholine [22].
  • Methamphetamine as a model compound was extracted from 2.5-mL aqueous samples adjusted to pH 13 (donor solution) through a thin phase of 1-octanol inside the pores of a polypropylene hollow fiber and finally into a 25-microL acidic acceptor solution inside the hollow fiber [23].
  • However, neither an inhibitor (1-octanol) nor an enhancer (all trans-retinoic acid [ATRA]) of gap-junctional communication affected the extent of the bystander effect [24].
  • The fluorocarbon micelles of LiPFOS, on the other hand, are the strongest hydrogen bond donor acids, followed by SDS, SC, and 1-octanol, respectively [25].

Gene context of N-octanol

  • The biological relevance of this model was checked with respect on the one hand, to the close relationship between the log of drug permeability coefficient normalized to molecular weight and the log of the 1-octanol/water partition coefficient, and on the other hand to the functional P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expression [26].
  • Incubation of the follicles with gap junction uncouplers, 1-heptanol or 1-octanol, had no effect on IGF-I- and b-insulin-induced GVBD, but attenuated the same induced by HCG [27].
  • FGF-2 is mitogenic and 1-octanol antimitogenic in the PVE [28].
  • A Linear Solvation Energy Relationship (LSER) developed by Abraham has been applied to the partition of organic solutes in an Aqueous Biphasic System (ABS) and to published values of their 1-octanol/water partition coefficients [29].
  • The hydrophobicities of dissolved Al, Cu, Mn, and Pb have been determined in various contaminated natural water samples by 1-octanol extraction and C18 column retention [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of N-octanol

  • A hanging microliter drop of 1-octanol is shown to be an excellent preconcentration medium for headspace analysis of volatile compounds in an aqueous matrix by gas chromatography (GC) or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) [31].
  • HPLC techniques offer the advantage of tolerating lower sample purity, smaller sample size, and being dynamic range, compared with the flask-shaking method for measurement of logarithm of 1-octanol/water partition coefficients (log P), which is widely used in QSAR study [32].
  • There was a small decrease following 1-octanol perfusion and a large decrease following NH(4)Cl application [33].
  • Using reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography, with octan-1-ol as stationary phase and phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) as mobile phase, the behaviour of different drugs at 37 degrees C was studied [34].
  • Crystallization of the EVAL polymer induced by 1-octanol is responsible for the formation of particulate morphology [19].


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