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Chemical Compound Review

CID6328061     bismuth; nitric acid

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Disease relevance of BISMUTH SUBNITRATE


High impact information on BISMUTH SUBNITRATE


Chemical compound and disease context of BISMUTH SUBNITRATE


Biological context of BISMUTH SUBNITRATE


Anatomical context of BISMUTH SUBNITRATE


Associations of BISMUTH SUBNITRATE with other chemical compounds



  • Since the production of oxygen free-radical metabolites has been postulated to play a role in the acute toxicity of rhTNF-alpha, bismuth subnitrate was used to induce the enzyme metallothionein to act as a natural scavenger for these metabolites [4].
  • Gradual addition of bentonite dispersion to bismuth subnitrate suspensions first reduced the zeta-potential of the bismuth subnitrate particles from +28 mv to zero, then inverted it, and finally caused it to level off at -20 mv for bismuth subnitrate-bentonite weight ratios below 200 [22].
  • Treatment with Juzen-taiho-to for 7 days before tumor inoculation with gelatin sponge also significantly suppressed tumor growth examined on day 25, as did the administration of bismuth subnitrate, which is well known to induce metallothionein, an antioxidant [23].
  • Bismuth subnitrate, one of the constituents of BIPP is known to cause methaemoglobinaemia [24].
  • Compared with the initial H2 receptor antagonist treatment, there was a distinctly lower relapse rate in patients who were initially treated with bismuth subnitrate [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BISMUTH SUBNITRATE


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