Chemical Compound Review:
Frigen chloro-difluoro-methane
Algofrene 6, Halocarbon 22, Propellant 22, Electro-CF 22, Arcton 4, ...
- Acute toxicity of fluorocarbon-22: toxic symptoms, lethal concentration, and its fate in rabbit and mouse. Sakata, M., Kazama, H., Miki, A., Yoshida, A., Haga, M., Morita, M. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1981)
- Inhalation of decomposed chlorodifluoromethane (freon-22) and myocardial infarction. Sjögren, B., Gunnare, S., Sandler, H. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health. (2002)
- Comparison of estimates of cardiac output by indicator dilution and freon 22 uptake during gas mixing in dogs. Jones, H.A., Lakshminarayan, S., Becket, J.M., Hughes, J.M. Cardiovasc. Res. (1991)
- No evidence for mesothelial cell contact across the costal pleural space of sheep. Albertine, K.H., Wiener-Kronish, J.P., Bastacky, J., Staub, N.C. J. Appl. Physiol. (1991)
- Expirograms of O2, CO2 and intravenously infused C2H2 and Freon-22 during panting in dogs. Sipinková, I., Hahn, G., Hillebrecht, A., Meyer, M., Piiper, J. Respiration physiology. (1990)
- Solubility of freon-22 in blood and lung tissue. Franks, P.J., Hooper, R.H., Jones, P.R. British journal of anaesthesia. (1989)
- Elimination kinetics of acetylene and Freon 22 in resting and active lungless salamanders. Feder, M.E., Full, R.J., Piiper, J. Respiration physiology. (1988)
- Headspace GC/MS testing for chlorodifluoromethane in two fatal cases. Kintz, P., Baccino, E., Tracqui, A., Mangin, P. Forensic Sci. Int. (1996)
- Strengthening the Montreal protocol: does it cool down the greenhouse? den Elzen, M.G., Swart, R.J., Rotmans, J. Sci. Total Environ. (1992)
- Human inhalation pharmacokinetics of chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC22). Woollen, B.H., Marsh, J.R., Mahler, J.D., Auton, T.R., Makepeace, D., Cocker, J., Blain, P.G. International archives of occupational and environmental health. (1992)
- Cardiac arrhythmias during occupational exposure to fluorinated hydrocarbons. Antti-Poika, M., Heikkilä, J., Saarinen, L. British journal of industrial medicine. (1990)
- Fatality due to recreational use of chlorodifluoromethane and chloropentafluoroethane. Fitzgerald, R.L., Fishel, C.E., Bush, L.L. J. Forensic Sci. (1993)
- A freeze-etch electron microscopic study of liquid propane jet-frozen human erythrocyte membranes. Espevik, T., Elgsaeter, A. Journal of microscopy. (1981)
- Frigen II improves the reliability of measurement of interleukin-1 related substances in amniotic fluid. Ishihara, O., Saitoh, M., Kinoshita, K., Takanashi, H., Arai, Y., Kitagawa, H. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. (1999)
- Direct demonstration of gas diffusion into the middle ear. Levy, D., Herman, M., Luntz, M., Sadé, J. Acta Otolaryngol. (1995)
- Evaluation of sampling and analytical methods for the determination of chlorodifluoromethane in air. Seymour, M.J., Lucas, M.F. American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. (1993)
- Basic characteristics and evaluation of a partially automated Behring laser nephelometer for the measurement of IgG, IgA, IgM and C3c in serum. Desjarlais, F., Daigneault, R. Clin. Biochem. (1981)
- Elemental composition of lamellar bodies from fetal and adult human lung. Chinoy, M.R., Gonzales, L.W., Ballard, P.L., Fisher, A.B., Eckenhoff, R.G. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. (1995)
- Association of malachite green-positive material with heparan sulfate proteoglycan double tracks in basement membrane of mouse kidney tubules. Inoue, S. J. Histochem. Cytochem. (1995)
- Non-invasive measurement of cardiac output during anaesthesia. An evaluation of the soluble gas uptake method. Heneghan, C.P., Branthwaite, M.A. British journal of anaesthesia. (1981)
- An ultrastructural study of cryofractured myocardial cells with special attention to the relationship between mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Dalen, H., Scheie, P., Myklebust, R., Saetersdal, T. Journal of microscopy. (1983)
- Effective pulmonary flow, aortic flow and cardiac output: in vitro and in vivo comparisons in the dog. Franks, P.J., Hooper, R.H., Humphries, R.G., Jones, P.R., O'Connor, S.E. Exp. Physiol. (1990)