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Intercostal Muscles

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Disease relevance of Intercostal Muscles


High impact information on Intercostal Muscles


Chemical compound and disease context of Intercostal Muscles


Biological context of Intercostal Muscles


Anatomical context of Intercostal Muscles

  • Using in situ hybridization to analyze serial sections of E12.5 embryos, we found colocalization of CAT and endogenous myogenin transcripts in the primordial muscle of the head and limbs, in the intercostal muscle masses, and in the most caudal somites [19].
  • 2. The electrical activity of the three groups of inspiratory intercostal muscles (parasternal intercostals, external intercostals, levator costae) was recorded in twenty vagotomized, spontaneously breathing dogs, and the proximal end of one or both C5 phrenic nerve roots was stimulated during inspiration [20].
  • Halothane anesthesia (1 MAC) abolished activity in the parasternal intercostal muscles and increased phasic expiratory activity in the abdominal muscles and lateral ribcage muscles [21].
  • Studies were conducted to determine the effects of intercostal muscle spindle endings (MSEs) and tendon organs (TOs) on medullary inspiratory activity in decerebrate and allobarbital-anesthetized cats [22].
  • We have studied the presence of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactivity at the human motor end-plate in intercostal muscles from 6 normal subjects [23].

Associations of Intercostal Muscles with chemical compounds


Gene context of Intercostal Muscles

  • Muscles associated with the respiratory system such as diaphragm and intercostal muscle expressed MC4-R mRNA as early as E14 [27].
  • Here we found the levels of MCP-1 and MIP-2 in diaphragmatic and intercostal muscle tissue of T. spiralis infected mice were significantly increased after 10 days and peaked on day 20 post-infection; however, the levels of MIP-2 in mice treated with 4-DPD was lower than that of untreated mice at day 20 [28].
  • We studied the levels of MCP-1 and MIP-2 in diaphragmatic and intercostal muscle tissue and serum in Trichinella spiralis infected mice treated and not treated with 4-deoxypyridoxine, a potent Vit [28].
  • In seven healthy subjects and seven COPD patients, EMG signals of the frontal and dorsal diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, and scalene muscles were derived on 2 different days, both during breathing at rest and during breathing through an inspiratory threshold device of 7, 14, and 21 cm H2O [29].
  • Therefore, effective central neural drive is increased to both the scalene and parasternal intercostal muscles but not to the sternomastoid muscle in patients with COPD [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Intercostal Muscles


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