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Chemical Compound Review

Altritan     1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3-nitro- benzene

Synonyms: Hickstor, Tecnazen, Teknazen, Easytec, Fusarex, ...
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Disease relevance of Myfusan


High impact information on Myfusan

  • Additional isoforms, including products of tropomyosin, myosin light chain 1 fast, troponin T, titin, and nebulin genes, can be generated from the same gene through alternative splicing or use of alternative promoters [6].
  • A physiological role for titin and nebulin in skeletal muscle [7].
  • Titin and/or nebulin apparently provide axial continuity for the production of resting tension on stretch and also tend to keep the thick filaments centred within the sarcomere during force generation [7].
  • The amino acid sequence that is predicted from this portion of the DMD gene indicates that the protein product might serve a structural role in muscle, but the abundance and tissue distribution of the messenger RNA suggests that the DMD protein is not nebulin [8].
  • The mechanisms responsible for specifying the characteristic filament lengths in these systems are more elusive and may include strict control of the relative amounts of actin filament capping proteins and side-binding proteins, molecular templates (e.g. tropomyosin and nebulin) and/or verniers (e.g. tropomyosin) [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Myfusan


Biological context of Myfusan


Anatomical context of Myfusan

  • None of the tagged nebulin fragments behaved as dominant negatives; they neither blocked the assembly nor induced the disassembly of mature striated myofibrils [15].
  • Considering that cardiac muscle lacks nebulin, it is very likely that these elastic filaments were composed predominantly of connectin molecules; indeed, anti-connectin monoclonal antibody specifically stained these elastic filaments [16].
  • Immunoblot analysis indicates that although polypeptides of similar size are present in cardiac and smooth muscles at low abundance, those proteins show no immunological cross-reactivity with skeletal muscle nebulin [17].
  • When the thin filaments were depolymerized with latrunculin B, myocytes with decreased nebulin levels reassembled them to unrestricted lengths, demonstrating its importance in length specification [11].
  • A monospecific antibody has been used to localize nebulin by immunoelectron microscopy in a mechanically split rabbit psoas muscle fiber preparation [17].

Associations of Myfusan with other chemical compounds

  • The C-terminal regions of nebulin and nebulette are identical in domain organization and share a family of highly related C-terminal repeats, a serine-rich domain with potential phosphorylation sites, and an SH3 domain [18].
  • Furthermore, the association of nebulin modules with the actin N-terminus in subdomain 1 supports the hypothesis that nebulin wraps around the outer edges of actin filaments where Sl, tropomyosin, and several actin binding proteins are known to interact [19].
  • After Triton X-100 permeabilization and high ionic strength extraction, the giant protein nebulin was found to be still present as a myofibrillar component [20].
  • We have employed the strategy of using ethyl methane sulfonate and taxol to perturb myofibril assembly to examine interactions critical for the addition of nebulin to the developing sarcomeres [21].
  • When chicken breast muscle myofibrils were treated with a solution containing 0.1 mM CaCl2 and 30 micrograms of leupeptin/ml, nebulin filaments were fragmented into 200-, 180-, 40-, 33-, and 23-kDa subfragments [22].

Gene context of Myfusan


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Myfusan

  • SDS PAGE indicated that the residues consisted mainly of titin, nebulin, and variable amounts of residual myosin and actin [28].
  • mAbs specific for titin or nebulin were characterized by immunoblotting and fluorescence microscopy [29].
  • Immunofluorescence studies with antibodies specific to the C-terminal region of nebulin indicate that the mutations may cause protein truncation possibly associated with loss of fiber-type diversity, which may be relevant to disease pathogenesis [3].
  • We have used electron microscopy and a novel method of helical image analysis to characterize complexes of F-actin with a nebulin fragment [30].
  • A 28-mer overlapping motif-containing PEVK module binds to nebulin SH3 in and around the canonical cleft, especially to the acidic residues in the loops, as revealed by NMR titration [31].


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