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Chemical Compound Review

Bovikalc     calcium dichloride

Synonyms: Caloride, Daraccel, Liquical, Jarcal, Stopit, ...
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Disease relevance of Anhydrous calcium chloride


Psychiatry related information on Anhydrous calcium chloride

  • In addition, LaCl3-induced amnesia was fully prevented by CaCl2 [6].
  • One hundred eighty repeated batch reactions (total reaction time, 3780 h) were made with mycelia entrapped in calcium alginate gels as the catalyst, in the presence of 90 mM CaCl2 [7].
  • On the other hand, calcium chloride produced a suppression of the RQ rise without altering the satiation [8].

High impact information on Anhydrous calcium chloride


Chemical compound and disease context of Anhydrous calcium chloride


Biological context of Anhydrous calcium chloride


Anatomical context of Anhydrous calcium chloride

  • Stimulation of keratinocyte differentiation with 1.4 mM calcium chloride for 48 h produced 3.5-, 3.2-, and 5.6-fold increases in thrombomodulin cofactor activity, antigen, and mRNA, respectively [13].
  • When 10 million neutrophils were incubated in 1 ml of normal plasma in the presence of 30 mM CaCl2 for 90 min, 2.75 micrograms of elastase was released [24].
  • Experimental aneurysmatic dilatation of the rabbit common carotid artery was induced by a single, periarterial application of calcium chloride in vivo [4].
  • In order to evaluate the effect of acute moderate hypercalcemia on both smooth and skeletal muscle function of the human esophagus, 12 subjects were given intravenous calcium chloride in normal saline [25].
  • RESULTS: The trypsin activities in the proximal quarter of the small intestine were similar in rats infused with bile and with Tris buffer containing 10 mmol/L CaCl2 (without bile); however, increments of pancreatic secretions of fluid and protein were significantly higher in rats without bile infusion than in those with bile infusion [26].

Associations of Anhydrous calcium chloride with other chemical compounds

  • The elution position of Factor VIII procoagulant activity from 4% agarose in 0.25 M CaCl2, and hence its apparent molecular weight, varied with the protein concentration applied to the column; at low protein concentrations it was eluted close to the inner volume [27].
  • There was also a significant positive linear correlation between FBF and venous plasma cyclic GMP during infusions of alpha hANP with the simultaneous administration of CaCl2 (r = 0.807, P less than 0.01) [28].
  • At 22 degrees C in 1 mM MgCl2, 10 mM imidazole (pH 7), 0.2 mM ATP with 1 mM EGTA or 50 microM CaCl2 or with EGTA and 50 mM KCl, the elongation rates at both ends have a linear dependence on the ATP-actin concentration from the critical concentration to 20 microM [29].
  • This particulate coating was released from the membrane surfaces by 10 mM CaCl2 and recovered free of membranes after dialysis against 0.5 mM EGTA and high-speed centrifugation [30].
  • A plasma membrane-enriched fraction prepared by homogenization in a low salt/CaCl2 buffer was found to contain a substantial amount of residual actin which could be removed by treatment with 1 M Na2CO3/NaHCO3, pH 10 [31].

Gene context of Anhydrous calcium chloride

  • In contrast to PKC1-depleted cells, all of the conditional pkc1 mutants isolated were suppressed by the addition of CaCl2 to the medium, suggesting that the mutant enzymes could be activated by Ca2+ [32].
  • Induction of FKS2 expression in response to pheromone, CaCl2, or loss of FKS1 function requires the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin [33].
  • CaCl2 (greater than 0.5 mM) and NaCl (greater than 0.2 M) inhibited the binding of pro-t-PA and of t-PA [34].
  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy demonstrated that the thrombospondin-4 constructs bind seven less calcium than the thrombospondin-2 construct at 0.6 mM CaCl2 [35].
  • In 2 mM CaCl2, the near UV circular dichroism spectra of thrombospondin-2, but not thrombospondin-4, contain a positive band at 292 nm that disappears upon calcium chelation [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Anhydrous calcium chloride


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