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Gene Review

TTN  -  titin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CMD1G, CMH9, CMPD4, Connectin, EOMFC, ...
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Disease relevance of TTN


Psychiatry related information on TTN


High impact information on TTN

  • Additional isoforms, including products of tropomyosin, myosin light chain 1 fast, troponin T, titin, and nebulin genes, can be generated from the same gene through alternative splicing or use of alternative promoters [11].
  • Troponin and tropomyosin isoforms determine the variable sensitivity to calcium, whereas titin isoforms dictate the elastic properties of muscle fibers at rest [11].
  • Mutations of TTN, encoding the giant muscle filament titin, cause familial dilated cardiomyopathy [12].
  • In another large family with DCM linked to CMD1G, a TTN missense mutation (Trp930Arg) is predicted to disrupt a highly conserved hydrophobic core sequence of an immunoglobulin fold located in the Z-disc-I-band transition zone [12].
  • Cardiac MyBP-C is arrayed transversely in sarcomere A-bands and binds myosin heavy chain in thick filaments and titin in elastic filaments [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of TTN


Biological context of TTN

  • Interestingly, these altered gait parameters were completely corrected by CAPN3 overexpression in transgenic C3Tg;+/mdm mice, supporting a CAPN3-dependent role for the N2A domain of TTN in the dynamics of muscle contraction [2].
  • 3. The genomic orientation of the nebulin gene was determined as 5'-3' and of TTN as 3'-5' from the centromere [3].
  • FISH in metaphases of approximately 500 bands localized NEB to 2q24.1-q24.2, while HOXD and TTN were localized to 2q31 [18].
  • Mex6 is adjacent to the known calpain-3 binding site Mex5 of M-line titin [19].
  • Immunohistochemical analysis using two exon-specific antibodies directed to the M-line region of titin demonstrated the specific loss of carboxy-terminal titin epitopes in the TMD muscle samples that we studied, thus implicating a functional defect of the M-line titin in the genesis of the TMD disease phenotype [19].

Anatomical context of TTN

  • We now report the first mutations in TTN to cause a human skeletal-muscle disease, TMD [19].
  • The giant protein titin serves a primary role as a scaffold for sarcomere assembly; however, proteins that mediate this remodeling have not been identified [20].
  • Titin distribution was normal in longitudinal sections from the C3KO mice; however, EM of muscle fibers showed misaligned A-bands [20].
  • At a later maturational stage, prior to the development of cross-striated myofibrils, the IF-associated titin aggregates were found in close association with subsarcolemmally located SFLS [21].
  • The first indications of titin expression were found in postmitotic mononuclear myoblasts where it is located in a random, punctate fashion [21].

Associations of TTN with chemical compounds

  • Moreover, PK-11195 delayed the [Ca2+]i rise induced by TTN but did not significantly affect its extent, and had no effect on the [Ca2+]i rise induced by ENP [22].
  • TTN induced neutrophil chemotaxis, stimulated O2- generation, and enhanced phagocytosis [22].
  • Because neutrophils express benzodiazepine receptors of the peripheral type (pBRs) and DBI-derived peptides may interact with such receptors, we investigated the possible role of pBRs in TTN- or ENP-induced effects [22].
  • Here we present the crystal structure of titin's only catalytic domain, an autoregulated serine kinase (titin kinase) [23].
  • We describe a dual mechanism of activation of titin kinase that consists of phosphorylation of this tyrosine and binding of calcium/calmodulin to the regulatory tail [23].

Physical interactions of TTN

  • Through yeast two-hybrid experiments, calpain 3 has been shown to bind to titin in myofibrils [Sorimachi et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 31158-31162] [24].
  • We show that titin ZIg1/2 could form a three-way complex with sAnk1 and T-cap [25].
  • The hydrophilic domain of small ankyrin-1 interacts with the two N-terminal immunoglobulin domains of titin [25].
  • In the central Z-disk, titin can interact with multiple alpha-actinin molecules via their C-terminal domains [26].
  • The alpha-actinin-2 binding site of the Z-disc titin is located within a sequence of 45-residue repeats, referred to as Z-repeat region [27].

Enzymatic interactions of TTN


Regulatory relationships of TTN

  • Myomesin phosphorylation at this site by cAMP-dependent kinase and similar or identical activities in muscle extracts block the association with titin [28].
  • At the Z line, titin may determine the minimum extent and tropomyosin the maximum extent of thin filament overlap by regulating alpha-actinin binding to actin, while a unique Z filament may bind to capZ and regulate barbed end capping [29].
  • Hence, not only the telethonin transcript is rapidly downregulated in denervated muscle but the protein itself undergoes dynamic changes while its known sarcomeric binding partner titin remains unaltered [30].
  • Modeling AFM-induced PEVK extension and the reversible unfolding of Ig/FNIII domains in single and multiple titin molecules [31].

Other interactions of TTN

  • The affinity for a type II peptide, 12 residues long, spanning the sequence of a stretch of titin known to colocalise with nebulin in the Z-disk is in the submicromolar range (0.7 microM) [32].
  • Within the myofibril, MARPs, myopalladin, and the calpain protease p94 appear to be components of a titin N2A-based signaling complex [33].
  • Loss of the contractile machinery and related proteins such as titin and alpha-actinin may be the first and decisive event initiating an adaptive increase in cytoskeleton and membrane associated components [34].
  • Thereafter a more periodic localization of titin, MHC, alpha-actin and alpha-actinin on SFLS became obvious [21].
  • Titin mutations as the molecular basis for dilated cardiomyopathy [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TTN


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