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Chemical Compound Review

Ethylmesilate     1-methylsulfonyloxyethane

Synonyms: Ethylmesylate, Half-myleran, Ethyl Mesilate, Ethyl mesylate, CCRIS 299, ...
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Disease relevance of Ethyl mesylate


Psychiatry related information on Ethyl mesylate


High impact information on Ethyl mesylate

  • In this note, I compare spontaneous forward mutant frequency with previously published revertant frequencies for one naturally occurring and six ethyl methanesulphonate-induced Adhl-deficient (Adh1-) alleles [7].
  • T-DNA and ethyl-methane sulfonate mutagenesis allowed us to show that meiotic progression is altered in plants in which the AtSPO11-1 gene is disrupted [8].
  • These cells were exposed to a mutagen, ethyl methane sulfonate, and variants that lost the capacity to bind PAC1 were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting [9].
  • High-density mutational spectra have been established for exon 3 of the gene encoding adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) of the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line derivative D422 and closely related and/or modified lines by using the mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) [10].
  • We investigated the effects of the well-known mutagenic agents ethyl methanesulfonate (EtMes), N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), and ICR-191 on colonies of the Chinese hamster ovary line CHO cultured on a semisolid substrate [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ethyl mesylate


Biological context of Ethyl mesylate

  • Mitoses in EMS-treated cells were abnormal, involving multipolar mitotic spindles and elongated and/or incompletely condensed chromosomes [17].
  • Flow cytometry revealed that EMS-treated EM9 cells underwent prolonged cell cycle arrest in G2, followed by entry into mitosis, micronucleation, and apoptosis [17].
  • EM9 cells synchronized in G1 prior to EMS treatment entered mitosis 24-36 h after release from synchrony, approximately 12 h after untreated control cells [17].
  • It was also found by this method that the number of DTr cells induced by a fixed concentration of EMS was not determined by the number of cell divisions during the expression time but by the period after exposure of the cells to EMS [18].
  • We performed genetic screens in low white light-a threshold condition in which photomorphogenetic signaling pathways are only partially active-for ethyl methane sulfonate-generated mutants with altered developmental phenotypes [19].

Anatomical context of Ethyl mesylate

  • This study describes the derivation of a series of mutants from the human leukemic cell line CEM using the frame shift mutagen Ethyl-methanesulfonate followed by negative selection with multiple treatments of OKT4A + C, and sorting into CD4-, CD4-dull, and CD4-intermediate mutants [20].
  • Over 25 independently isolated variants were derived from an Abelson virus transformed pre- B cell line (R8) by mutagenesis with ethyl methane sulfonate or ethyl nitrosourea [21].
  • We have initially used this system to demonstrate the generation of mutations by ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) at a TaqI site in the aprt gene of Chinese hamster cells, and by u.v.-C irradiation at a TaqI site in the hprt gene of human fibroblasts [22].
  • Dye coupling was abolished by treatment with either 1 mM octanol, 0.5 mM ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), or cytoplasmic acidification, with coupling coefficients also being affected as each of these gap junction antagonists down-regulated the connexons [23].
  • Both EMS and ENU induced mutations at high rates in post-meiotic germ cells, as indicated by the incidence of F1 progeny mosaic for the albino mutation [24].

Associations of Ethyl mesylate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Ethyl mesylate


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ethyl mesylate


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