Gene Review:
Sox9 - SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9
Rattus norvegicus
- Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase II is a molecular switch from proliferation to hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes. Chikuda, H., Kugimiya, F., Hoshi, K., Ikeda, T., Ogasawara, T., Shimoaka, T., Kawano, H., Kamekura, S., Tsuchida, A., Yokoi, N., Nakamura, K., Komeda, K., Chung, U.I., Kawaguchi, H. Genes Dev. (2004)
- Bcl-2 positively regulates Sox9-dependent chondrocyte gene expression by suppressing the MEK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Yagi, R., McBurney, D., Horton, W.E. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Specific amelogenin gene splice products have signaling effects on cells in culture and in implants in vivo. Veis, A., Tompkins, K., Alvares, K., Wei, K., Wang, L., Wang, X.S., Brownell, A.G., Jengh, S.M., Healy, K.E. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Expression of transcription factor Sox9 in rat L6 myoblastic cells. Matsushita, T., Matsui, N., Fujioka, H., Kubo, S., Kuroda, R., Kurosaka, M., Yoshiya, S. Connect. Tissue Res. (2004)
- Expression of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors at the injured growth plate cartilage in young rats. Zhou, F.H., Foster, B.K., Sander, G., Xian, C.J. Bone (2004)
- In vitro chondrocyte differentiation using costochondral chondrocytes as a source of primary rat chondrocyte cultures: an improved isolation and cryopreservation method. Gartland, A., Mechler, J., Mason-Savas, A., MacKay, C.A., Mailhot, G., Marks, S.C., Odgren, P.R. Bone (2005)
- Wnt signaling activation during bone regeneration and the role of Dishevelled in chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Zhong, N., Gersch, R.P., Hadjiargyrou, M. Bone (2006)
- Alterations in growth plate and articular cartilage morphology are associated with reduced SOX9 localization in the magnesium-deficient rat. Gruber, H.E., Ingram, J., Norton, H.J., Wei, L.Y., Frausto, A., Mills, B.G., Rude, R.K. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission. (2004)
- Sox9 protein in rat sertoli cells is age and stage dependent. Fröjdman, K., Harley, V.R., Pelliniemi, L.J. Histochem. Cell Biol. (2000)
- Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells towards a nucleus pulposus-like phenotype in vitro: implications for cell-based transplantation therapy. Risbud, M.V., Albert, T.J., Guttapalli, A., Vresilovic, E.J., Hillibrand, A.S., Vaccaro, A.R., Shapiro, I.M. Spine. (2004)
- The glial transcription factor Sox10 binds to DNA both as monomer and dimer with different functional consequences. Peirano, R.I., Wegner, M. Nucleic Acids Res. (2000)
- Nell-1 induced bone formation within the distracted intermaxillary suture. Cowan, C.M., Cheng, S., Ting, K., Soo, C., Walder, B., Wu, B., Kuroda, S., Zhang, X. Bone (2006)