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Gene Review

Sox9  -  SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9

Rattus norvegicus

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High impact information on Sox9


Biological context of Sox9


Anatomical context of Sox9

  • In our present study, we investigated the pattern of expression of Sox9, a transcription factor known to play a key role in chondrogenesis, in a rat myoblastic cell line, L6 [4].
  • Immunolocalization of Sox9 was decreased in both articular and growth plate cartilage in experimental animals compared to controls, suggesting that reduced Mg intake causes cartilage changes that may be secondary to reduced levels of the SOX9 transcription factor [8].
  • Sox9 protein in rat sertoli cells is age and stage dependent [9].
  • Thereafter the immunoreaction for Sox9 gradually declined and was only weakly detectable in the 2-day-old postnatal rat testis [9].
  • In the adult, the Sertoli cells of most regions of the seminiferous tubules were positive for Sox9 [9].

Other interactions of Sox9

  • In addition, TGF-beta3 may modulate Sox9 mRNA expression in L6 cells and retain the capacity to differentiate into chondrogenic lineage [4].
  • However, on the seventh day of culture, there was a decline in the level of Sox9 and type II collagen mRNAs and an increased expression of Myf5 and myogenin mRNAs [4].
  • Transforming growth factor-beta treatment increased MAPK activity and Sox-9, aggrecan, and collagen type II gene expression [10].
  • This dimeric binding required the presence of two heptameric Sox binding sites in a specific orientation and spacing, and was mediated by an N-terminal region of Sox10 with high conservation in the related Sox9, which also exhibited dimeric binding [11].
  • Immunohistochemistry of Sox9 for chondrocyte proliferation, type X collagen for hypertrophic cartilage in endochondral bone formation, and bone sialoprotein for bone formation was conducted to characterize the cellular mechanism of newly developed tissues [12].


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  2. Bcl-2 positively regulates Sox9-dependent chondrocyte gene expression by suppressing the MEK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Yagi, R., McBurney, D., Horton, W.E. J. Biol. Chem. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  4. Expression of transcription factor Sox9 in rat L6 myoblastic cells. Matsushita, T., Matsui, N., Fujioka, H., Kubo, S., Kuroda, R., Kurosaka, M., Yoshiya, S. Connect. Tissue Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  6. In vitro chondrocyte differentiation using costochondral chondrocytes as a source of primary rat chondrocyte cultures: an improved isolation and cryopreservation method. Gartland, A., Mechler, J., Mason-Savas, A., MacKay, C.A., Mailhot, G., Marks, S.C., Odgren, P.R. Bone (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. Wnt signaling activation during bone regeneration and the role of Dishevelled in chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Zhong, N., Gersch, R.P., Hadjiargyrou, M. Bone (2006) [Pubmed]
  8. Alterations in growth plate and articular cartilage morphology are associated with reduced SOX9 localization in the magnesium-deficient rat. Gruber, H.E., Ingram, J., Norton, H.J., Wei, L.Y., Frausto, A., Mills, B.G., Rude, R.K. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission. (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Sox9 protein in rat sertoli cells is age and stage dependent. Fröjdman, K., Harley, V.R., Pelliniemi, L.J. Histochem. Cell Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  10. Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells towards a nucleus pulposus-like phenotype in vitro: implications for cell-based transplantation therapy. Risbud, M.V., Albert, T.J., Guttapalli, A., Vresilovic, E.J., Hillibrand, A.S., Vaccaro, A.R., Shapiro, I.M. Spine. (2004) [Pubmed]
  11. The glial transcription factor Sox10 binds to DNA both as monomer and dimer with different functional consequences. Peirano, R.I., Wegner, M. Nucleic Acids Res. (2000) [Pubmed]
  12. Nell-1 induced bone formation within the distracted intermaxillary suture. Cowan, C.M., Cheng, S., Ting, K., Soo, C., Walder, B., Wu, B., Kuroda, S., Zhang, X. Bone (2006) [Pubmed]
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