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Gene Review

Casp1  -  caspase 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CASP-1, Caspase-1, ICE, IL-1 beta-converting enzyme, IL-1BC, ...
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Disease relevance of Casp1


Psychiatry related information on Casp1

  • Changes in caspase expression in Alzheimer's disease: comparison with development and aging [6].
  • In a rat excitotoxic model of Huntington's disease in which an excitotoxin is infused into the striatum to activate NMDA receptors, short-term lithium pretreatment is sufficient to protect against DNA damage, caspase activation, and apoptosis of striatal neurons, and this neuroprotection is concurrent with Bcl-2 induction [7].
  • However, only a slight effect of the caspase inhibitor across the session was found. z-DEVD-fmk impaired development of some essential components of the two-way active avoidance performance, such as escape reaction, conditioned fear reaction, and inter-trial crossings [8].
  • These results indicate an opioid-induced neurotoxic consequence regulated by the NMDAR-caspase pathway, a mechanism that may have clinical implications in opioid therapy and substance abuse [9].

High impact information on Casp1


Chemical compound and disease context of Casp1


Biological context of Casp1


Anatomical context of Casp1


Associations of Casp1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Casp1


Enzymatic interactions of Casp1


Regulatory relationships of Casp1


Other interactions of Casp1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Casp1


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