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Gene Review

CTAG1B  -  cancer/testis antigen 1B

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CT6.1, CTAG, CTAG1, ESO1, LAGE-2, ...
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Disease relevance of CTAG1B


High impact information on CTAG1B


Chemical compound and disease context of CTAG1B


Biological context of CTAG1B


Anatomical context of CTAG1B

  • High-level expression of cancer/testis antigen NY-ESO-1 and human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in dendritic cells with a bicistronic retroviral vector [3].
  • In our study, NY-ESO-1 mRNA was found to express in 9.9% of the samples, and also correlated significantly with stages (P = 0.041) and local lymph node metastasis (P = 0.002) [2].
  • CTAG mRNA is expressed in a proportion of human cancers in a lineage-nonspecific fashion, whereas its expression in normal tissues is restricted to testis and ovary only [4].
  • Concurrently, a strong MHC class I-restricted CTL reactivity against the autologous NY-ESO-1-positive tumor cell line was found [7].
  • None of the 18 patients that tested seronegative for NY-ESO-1 had detectable CD4+ T cell responses [8].

Associations of CTAG1B with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CTAG1B

  • In contrast, CD34-derived DCs were unable to process either soluble or immune complexed NY-ESO-1, although they efficiently presented preprocessed NY-ESO-1 peptides [14].
  • Both were specific for NY-ESO-1 because neither bound to homologous LAGE-1 peptides despite 84% overall amino acid homology [15].

Regulatory relationships of CTAG1B


Other interactions of CTAG1B


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CTAG1B

  • To confirm the protein expression, immunohistochemistry was done for detecting the NY-ESO-1 antigen in mRNA-positive CRC tissues [2].
  • The presence of autologous antibodies against NY-ESO-1 was examined in serum samples by ELISA [2].
  • This expression pattern suggests that the CTAG product (NY-ESO-1) is an aberrantly activated tumor antigen and can potentially be an antigenic target for tumor vaccination [4].
  • NY-ESO-1 should therefore be an ideal tumor target antigen for immunotherapy of patients with poor-prognosis MM [22].
  • Expression of NY-ESO-1 in EOC was demonstrated by RT-PCR and/or IHC in 82 of 190 (43%) specimens [23].


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