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Gene Review

Vnn1  -  vanin 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Pantetheinase, Pantetheine hydrolase, V-1, Vanin-1, Vascular non-inflammatory molecule 1, ...
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Disease relevance of Vnn1

  • Vanin and co-workers (Kubrina et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1176 (1993) 240-244; Mikoyan et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1269 (1995) 19-24) reported that short term (30 min) iron (Fe) exposure potentiates nitric oxide (NO) production in tissues of septic shock mice, based on increased formation of NO complex by diethyldithiocarbamate (DETC) [1].

High impact information on Vnn1

  • These data suggest that Vanin-1 regulates late adhesion steps of thymus homing under physiological, noninflammatory conditions [2].
  • Transfection of thymic stromal cells with the Vanin-1 cDNA enhances thymocyte adhesion in vitro [2].
  • An anti-Vanin-1 antibody blocks the binding of pro-T cells to thymic sections in vitro, the in vivo accumulation of bone marrow cells around cortical thymic vessels, and long-term thymic regeneration [2].
  • Vnn3/Vnn1 map within a conserved haplotype block and show expression levels that are strictly cis-regulated by this haplotype [3].
  • Vanin genes code for a pantetheinase involved in the production of cysteamine, a key regulator of host responses to inflammatory stimuli [3].

Biological context of Vnn1


Anatomical context of Vnn1

  • The mouse Vanin-1 molecule was recently identified and found to be involved in the colonization of the thymus by hematopoietic precursor cells [4].
  • In the present study we investigate in detail the expression and regulation of Vanin-1 in the fetal testis [7].
  • Our findings account for the sex- and cell-type-specific expression of Vanin-1 in the developing mouse gonad in vivo, which we suggest is required to provide an appropriate environment for male germ cell development [7].
  • The expression of Vanin-1 was abolished in Leydig cells of a mouse mutant lacking SF-1 in that cell type [7].
  • Migration of hematopoietic precursor cells to the thymus is shown to depend upon a novel molecule called Vanin-1 expressed by perivascular thymic stromal cells [2].

Associations of Vnn1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Vnn1

  • We found that SF-1 is able to bind to two sites in the Vanin-1 promoter, whereas SOX9 can bind to a single interposed site defined by DNA footprinting [7].

Regulatory relationships of Vnn1


Other interactions of Vnn1

  • The better tolerance of the Vanin-1(-/-) mice is associated with an enhanced gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity in liver, probably due to the absence of cysteamine and leading to elevated stores of glutathione (GSH), the most potent cellular antioxidant [6].
  • The human gamma-globin gene promoter contains a stage selector element (SSE) responsible for preferential interaction of the promoter with a powerful erythroid-specific enhancer in the fetal developmental stage (S.M. Jane, P.A. Ney, E.F. Vanin, D.L. Gumucio, and A.W. Nienhuis. EMBO J. 11:2691-2699, 1992) [12].


  1. Iron potentiates nitric oxide scavenging by dithiocarbamates in tissue of septic shock mice. Komarov, A.M., Mak, I.T., Weglicki, W.B. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1997) [Pubmed]
  2. Vanin-1, a novel GPI-linked perivascular molecule involved in thymus homing. Aurrand-Lions, M., Galland, F., Bazin, H., Zakharyev, V.M., Imhof, B.A., Naquet, P. Immunity (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. Complex genetic control of susceptibility to malaria: positional cloning of the Char9 locus. Min-Oo, G., Fortin, A., Pitari, G., Tam, M., Stevenson, M.M., Gros, P. J. Exp. Med. (2007) [Pubmed]
  4. An ESTs description of the new Vanin gene family conserved from fly to human. Granjeaud, S., Naquet, P., Galland, F. Immunogenetics (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. Sexually dimorphic expression of protease nexin-1 and vanin-1 in the developing mouse gonad prior to overt differentiation suggests a role in mammalian sexual development. Grimmond, S., Van Hateren, N., Siggers, P., Arkell, R., Larder, R., Soares, M.B., de Fatima Bonaldo, M., Smith, L., Tymowska-Lalanne, Z., Wells, C., Greenfield, A. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2000) [Pubmed]
  6. Vanin-1-/- mice exhibit a glutathione-mediated tissue resistance to oxidative stress. Berruyer, C., Martin, F.M., Castellano, R., Macone, A., Malergue, F., Garrido-Urbani, S., Millet, V., Imbert, J., Duprè, S., Pitari, G., Naquet, P., Galland, F. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. The transcription factors steroidogenic factor-1 and SOX9 regulate expression of Vanin-1 during mouse testis development. Wilson, M.J., Jeyasuria, P., Parker, K.L., Koopman, P. J. Biol. Chem. (2005) [Pubmed]
  8. Vanin-1(-/-) mice show decreased NSAID- and Schistosoma-induced intestinal inflammation associated with higher glutathione stores. Martin, F., Penet, M.F., Malergue, F., Lepidi, H., Dessein, A., Galland, F., de Reggi, M., Naquet, P., Gharib, B. J. Clin. Invest. (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Is pantetheinase the actual identity of mouse and human vanin-1 proteins? Maras, B., Barra, D., Duprè, S., Pitari, G. FEBS Lett. (1999) [Pubmed]
  10. Post-translational disulfide modifications in cell signaling--role of inter-protein, intra-protein, S-glutathionyl, and S-cysteaminyl disulfide modifications in signal transmission. O'Brian, C.A., Chu, F. Free Radic. Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
  11. Mouse vanin-1 is cytoprotective for islet beta cells and regulates the development of type 1 diabetes. Roisin-Bouffay, C., Castellano, R., Valéro, R., Chasson, L., Galland, F., Naquet, P. Diabetologia (2008) [Pubmed]
  12. Methylation-enhanced binding of Sp1 to the stage selector element of the human gamma-globin gene promoter may regulate development specificity of expression. Jane, S.M., Gumucio, D.L., Ney, P.A., Cunningham, J.M., Nienhuis, A.W. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
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