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Gene Review

BACE2  -  beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AEPLC, ALP56, ASP1, ASP21, Asp 1, ...
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Disease relevance of BACE2


Psychiatry related information on BACE2

  • BACE2 could be involved in the Alzheimer-like neuropathology of Down syndrome, as well as in Alzheimer's disease linked to chromosome 21 but not showing mutations in APP [6].
  • BACE2 appears to be associated with the early onset of dementia in patients with Down's syndrome, and it has been shown to be highly expressed in breast cancers [3].
  • Findings from clinical and duplex ultrasound scan (DU) examinations were compared with the CEAP classification, its adjunctive venous clinical severity score, and sensory thresholds [7].

High impact information on BACE2


Chemical compound and disease context of BACE2


Biological context of BACE2

  • BACE and BACE2 respond identically to conservative beta-site mutations, and alteration of a common active site Arg inhibits beta-site cleavage but not cleavage within Abeta by both enzymes [17].
  • However, a combined deficiency of BACE2 and BACE1 enhanced the bace1-/- lethality phenotype [1].
  • We investigated the role of endogenous BACE2 in A beta production in cells by selective inactivation of its transcripts using RNA interference [18].
  • We report the mRNA expression profile, DNA sequence, and molecular characterization of the BACE2 gene, located on chromosome 21q22 [19].
  • On either side of the proximal promoter region, two negative regulatory domains might reduce BACE2 expression under an induced condition [19].

Anatomical context of BACE2


Associations of BACE2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of BACE2


Enzymatic interactions of BACE2


Regulatory relationships of BACE2

  • This difficulty was confirmed by the finding that several potent memapsin 2 inhibitors effectively inhibited memapsin 1 as well [28].
  • When full-length Asp1(D110N) was expressed in COS-7 cells, it was not processed, suggesting that no other proteinase can activate Asp1 in these cells [24].
  • We conclude disruption of intramolecular hydrogen bonding between Thr18 and Asp21 enhances p53 transactivation by modulating Mdm-2 binding, facilitating TAF(II)31 recruitment [29].
  • This plasma renin form would be expected to be activated in association with the recently described renin/prorenin aspartyl protease receptor and to participate in local pathophysiological processes [30].

Other interactions of BACE2

  • These data suggest that BACE2 contributes to Abeta production in individuals bearing the Flemish mutation, and that selective inhibition of these highly similar proteases may be feasible and therapeutically advantageous [17].
  • Phenotypic and biochemical analyses of BACE1- and BACE2-deficient mice [1].
  • BACE2, a beta -secretase homolog, cleaves at the beta site and within the amyloid-beta region of the amyloid-beta precursor protein [17].
  • Here we describe the characterization of a second highly related aspartic proteinase, Asp1 as a second beta-secretase candidate [21].
  • Aspartyl protease Cathepsin D (CTSD) has been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) due to interference with protein degradation mechanisms [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BACE2

  • Though Sp1 can regulate both BACE1 and BACE2 genes, comparative sequence analysis and transcription factor prediction showed little similarity between the two promoters [20].
  • In addition, in situ hybridization of adult rat brain shows that BACE2 mRNA is expressed at very low levels in most brain regions [23].
  • To investigate whether BACE1 and BACE2 play a role in normal and diseased human muscle, we have now studied them by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting in 35 human muscle biopsies, including: 5 s-IBM; 5 chromosome-9p1-linked quadriceps-sparing h-IBM; and 25 control muscle biopsies [32].
  • Western blot analysis revealed no difference between DS and control in BACE-2 protein levels in the intracellular compartment [33].
  • The analysis revealed a 2.6-fold increase in BACE-2 mRNA levels in the DS group compared to the levels observed in the control group [33].


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